
Under the responsibility of the Project Director, and in coordination with the Programme Managers, the Admin and Communication Officer ensures the efficient functioning of the project administration, maintains public relations and is responsible for the overall administrative office organisation.

Wednesday, 2 June 2021

The Ummah for Earth project is an innovative and experimental endeavor aimed at contributing to the creation of a climate movement in the Muslim world by exploring Islam as a vector of engagement and mobilisation. The project will be implemented by an Allyship regrouping several Greenpeace offices and allied organisations.
مشروع "أمة لاجل الأرض" هو مبادرة رائدة مبتكرة تهدف إلى المساهمة في إنشاء حركة مناخية في العالم الإسلامي من خلال استكشاف الإسلام كوسيلة توجيهية للتواصل وحشد الجهود. من المُقرَّر تنفيذ المشروع من خلال التعاون بين عدّة مكاتب تابعة لمنظَّمة غرينبيس ومنظَّمات أخرى حليفة.

Monday, 31 May 2021

For our project in the 3 SDCs (Choueifat, Baysour, Chhim) we need someone to deliver 8 recycling art sessions for children.

Sunday, 16 May 2021

For our project in the 3 SDCs (Choueifat, Baysour, Chhim) we need someone to deliver 4 puppet making sessions for children

Sunday, 16 May 2021

For our project in the 3 SDCs (Choueifat, Baysour, Chhim) we need someone to deliver 16 Drawing and painting sessions for children

Sunday, 16 May 2021

For our project in the 3 SDCs (Choueifat, Baysour, Chhim) we need someone to deliver 6 Drama therapy sessions for Adults.

Sunday, 16 May 2021

NCLW is implementing the “P-VAWG Preventing Violence against Women and Girls in Lebanon” project in partnership with GIZ.
The project entails 2 components:
• The institutionalization of a Gender Equality Barometer developed by NCLW, with specific indicators on GBV and SGBV.
• Strengthening NCLW’s coordinative role as to GBV in Lebanon specifically as the national coordinator for the implementation of the NAP 1325 and its 3rd Strategic Priority “Prevention of and Protection of Women and Girls from Gender-Based Violence”.

Thursday, 20 May 2021

For our project in the 3 SDCs (Choueifat, Baysour, Chhim) we need someone to deliver 6 music therapy sessions for Adults.

Sunday, 16 May 2021

NCLW is implementing the “P-VAWG Preventing Violence against Women and Girls in Lebanon” project in partnership with GIZ.
The project entails 2 components:
• The institutionalization of a Gender Equality Barometer developed by NCLW, with specific indicators on GBV and SGBV.
• The insurance of a wider visibility for NCLW as the national coordinator for the implementation of the NAP 1325 and its 3rd Strategic Priority “Prevention of and Protection of Women and Girls from Gender-Based Violence”.

Friday, 10 September 2021

NCLW is implementing the “P-VAWG Preventing Violence against Women and Girls in Lebanon” project in partnership with GIZ.
The project entails 2 components:
• The institutionalization of a Gender Equality Barometer developed by NCLW, with specific indicators on GBV and SGBV.
• The insurance of a wider visibility for NCLW as the national coordinator for the implementation of the NAP 1325 and its 3rd Strategic Priority “Prevention of and Protection of Women and Girls from Gender-Based Violence”.

Thursday, 20 May 2021