About Daleel Madani

Daleel Madani, the civil society network.

Daleel Madani aims to strengthen cooperation, thus limiting duplication of work, and enhancing the civil society sector. In addition, it is dedicated to promoting accessible information about civil society, in a belief in the right to information and in the importance of transparent civil society work.


Useful Numbers and Referrals For IDPs

In response to the ongoing war on Lebanon, we have compiled a list of essential resources and services available to IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons).

This list includes information on shelters, housing, food aid, mental health services, and emergency support. It will continuously be updated by the Daleel Madani team.

Contact the team by email on daleel-madani@socialsciences-centre.org to add and contribute to it.


SWANA Region in Crisis

Press Releases and Humanitarian Updates Roundup

In the context of the ongoing crises in the region, we have created this section dedicated for relevant statements, press releases, and humanitarian updates.

Log in to your Daleel Madani account to independently post your statements and press releases, or contact the team by email on daleel-madani@socialsciences-centre.org to be featured.


SWANA Region in Crisis

The Blog

In the context of the ongoing crises in the region, we have created this blog that constitutes an outlet for fast-paced publishing for voices on the ground.

Blogs can be on the humanitarian crisis, or take the form of storytelling of personal trajectories or testimonies.

Contact the team by email on daleel-madani@socialsciences-centre.org to contribute and be featured.




Explore professional opportunities in civil society



Find calls for submissions and funding opportunities in civil society



Search through our library of resources by civil society actors

Registering on Daleel Madani provides your organisation with a great way to connect with other actors in civil society. 
Launched in Lebanon, during the July 2006 war, Daleel Madani has, since 2020, expanded its geographic coverage, and introduced new features and functionalities. It is considered the main civil society reference in Lebanon, and gathers over 2 million pageviews per month from users around the world. 


Initiatives to Donate to

In response to the ongoing war on Lebanon, we have compiled a list of organisations and initiatives actively gathering donations to support their on-ground relief efforts.

