
Institute for War & Peace Reporting is an independent not-for profit organization that works with media and civil society to promote positive change in conflict zones, closed societies, and countries in transition around the world. As part of IWPR, Etihad works on training and building the capacities of CSOs in the MENA region in the field of Digital Security.

Tuesday, 4 May 2021

The 3 Rome-based Agencies (RBA - FAO, IFAD and WFP) are implementing a project in Lebanon and Jordan funded by the European Union - MADAD Trust Fund, under the leadership of FAO. The project entitled “Enhancing resilient livelihoods and food security of host communities and Syrian refugees in Jordan and Lebanon through the promotion of sustainable agricultural development” is implemented in Lebanon in close collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture.

Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Oxfam aims to produce a series of animated videos

Tuesday, 11 May 2021

LOGI is an independent non-governmental organization based in Beirut. It is developing a network of Lebanese experts in the global energy industry and provides them with a platform to educate Lebanese policy makers as well as Lebanese citizens on the key decisions facing the oil and gas industry. It focuses on public awareness, policy development and advocacy to help Lebanon maximize the economic and social benefits of its oil and gas wealth – and avoid the resource curse. You can learn more about LOGI at:

Friday, 14 May 2021

Head of Support Services – DanChurchAid (DCA) Lebanon

DCA Lebanon has worked in mine action since 2007. In addition to reducing the harm from explosion, clearance activities also release contaminated land for socio-economic development in the context of rising demands from the local and refugee population. In 2012, DCA began implementing humanitarian and development projects through local partners and scaled up its operations this year due to the deepening crisis in country. Read more at:

Friday, 14 May 2021

The Program Coordinator is responsible for representing the face and visibility of the organization on a local level, supporting the assessment of country-based needs, identifying and managing medical cases for treatment locally and abroad, networking with local and international institutions, and supporting medical projects, ensuring a high level of professionalism and transparency. The Program Coordinator reports to the Jordan/Lebanon Supervisor

Monday, 17 May 2021

Search for Common Ground (Search) is an international conflict transformation NGO that aims to transform the way individuals, groups, governments, and companies deal with conflict, away from adversarial approaches and towards collaborative solutions. Headquartered in Washington DC, USA, and Brussels, Belgium, with field offices in 35 countries, SFCG designs and implements multifaceted, culturally appropriate and conflict-sensitive programs using a diverse range of tools, including media and training, to promote dialogue, increase knowledge and determine a positive shift in behaviors.

Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Founded in 2019, Sharekkna is the first of its kind online platform where everyone can share videos and stories about their work and initiatives. Sharekkna is launched from Lebanon and works in the MENA region. The main concept is to send short videos talking about your work, initiatives, apps, or activities. In January 2020, Sharekkna started a directory for its members where background and contact information is shared, to facilitate visibility and access to services. We are also launching the weblog where creative content is shared.

Thursday, 29 April 2021

Rene Moawad Foundation is recruiting an Outreach and Field Officer who will be dealing with Humanitarian Aid and support projects and will be the primary contact between target beneficiaries and communities and the Project Coordinator and/or to Director of Humanitarian Projects.

Wednesday, 5 May 2021