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Terre Des Hommes Italy
Terre des Hommes Italia exists to protect children from all forms of violence or abuse, to ensure every child’s right to health, education, and life.
The Fondazione Terre des Hommes Italia Onlus is member of the Terre des Hommes International Federation, is registered in Lebanon (2017) and Italy (1994);
‘For every child, a childhood. Every young person empowered. Every community engaged.’
We fight
- to ensure that child and youth rights are put into practice
- to protect children and youth from harm, even in the most difficult circumstances
- to influence agendas and strategies that affect children and youth at all levels
We strive
- to guarantee all children and youth enjoy a life free from violence, exploitation and discrimination
- to empower children and youth as actors of change to actively shape societies, structures and mindsets
- to achieve sustainable systemic change for children, young people and future generations
We mobilize
- to involve all relevant actors, from local to global, in the solutions we seek
- to engage partners, expertise and resources in creating environments in which children and youth thrive
- to build capacity for the protection of children and youth and the implementation of their rights
Terre des Hommes Italia focuses interventions in the fields of health, education and protection and community support. Today, and through this mission, it globally assists 100,000 children with 70 projects carried out in 22 countries, focusing on the fulfillment of the Child Rights and working towards its vision. It has mainly operated to provide immediate and emergency support to the populations hit by wars (in Kosovo, Iraq, Lebanon, the Palestinian Occupied Territories, Ivory Coast, etc.) or by natural disasters as in Indonesia or Haiti.
Since 2000, Terre des Hommes Italia works in the Middle East in the West Bank, Gaza, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan.
In Lebanon, Terre des Hommes Italia operates since 2006. As of 2017 we work in the North, Mount Lebanon, South Lebanon and North Beqaa areas operating through many projects in the fields of Protection, Child Protection, and Education and Higher education, Livelihood and Community Support in collaboration with national and international NGOs, Public and Private Institutions.
Terre des Hommes Italia brings together a mix of international and national expertise, skills, and values the technical and knowledge. More than 90% of its staff is recruited locally and in the very community that we serve and welcome us.
Amongst its institutional partners and donors, there are: AICS - Italian Embassy, European Commission, ECHO, OCHA, UNICEF, UNHCR, UNRWA, MOSA, Union of Municipalities and municipalities, MEHE, AVSI, ChildFund and other members of TDH IF (Terre des Hommes Lausanne, Netherlands, Germany), etc.
TDH IT is part of the Interagency Response Mechanism, LCRP and LHIF.
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