UNIDO call for Applications for Chemical and Mechanical Engineers for capacity building on Industrial Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production (RECP)
The “Private Sector Transition to a Green and Circular Economy” project or “2Cirlcular” is funded by the European Union as part of the ENI - European Neighborhood Initiative that emerged from the 2020 Annual Action Program (part II) adopted by the European Union in December 2020 to contribute to Lebanon’s reform, recovery, and reconstruction framework.
New business models, new technologies and short-term low-risk innovations, particularly those that allow reduction in costs, have revealed to be a very important key for countries to emerge from economic downturns and for getting back on a path of sustainable and smarter growth. Through the project, the European Union, and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) collaborate and provide Technical Assistance and small grants in equipment to SMEs for scaling up accelerating the uptake of resource efficiency and innovative circular economy solutions as business opportunities, for reducing production costs and fostering resilience and sustainable growth of the food and beverage industry (F&B) in Lebanon.
The project is implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Economy and Trade and the Ministry of Finance, and in cooperation with the Association of Lebanese Industrialists (ALI) and the Federation of the Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, as well as national and international financing institutions, development organizations, service and technology providers, and academia.
The role of service providers to scale up resource efficiency
The 2Circular project targets to extend the national capacity to adopt cost-cutting environmentally sound technologies in industries, adopting resource efficient and cleaner production technologies. Service providers play an important role in the promotion and acceleration of resource efficiency upscale as they provide company formation and back-office support to private clients (corporates and SMEs) to improve areas that require specific expertise. The project will build on existing service capacities in the field of energy efficiency, renewable energy, environment audits, etc. to mainstream the comprehensive approach of resource efficiency for greener industries, by training national experts. By using the Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies (TEST) methodology developed by UNIDO for the industry, manufacturing companies advised by the group of trained experts, will be able to reduce costs but also incorporate managerial practices that ensure adoption of a more efficient and sustainable production model.
Service providers are invited to apply as beneficiaries of the project
2Circular invites professionals in the field of engineering, members of consultancy firms or service centers, or individual consultants with minimum experience in delivering services to businesses, to apply as project beneficiaries.
Applicants will receive a free-of-charge theoretical and on-the-job training on the application of the “Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies” (TEST) methodology promoted by UNIDO, with the purpose of increase their participation in the service market related to green and circular economy solutions in the Lebanese industry. Selected service providers that successfully complete the training will be invited to offer their services to assist companies supported by the project in the adoption of resource-efficient practices and technologies. The project will also facilitate companies with grants to implement recommendations identified by the service providers. Thirty (30) service providers will be selected.
For more information on full benefits, requirements, duration, selection criteria, detailed terms of reference, and application forms to apply, please download the documents HERE
How to apply
Application Submissions Guideline:
Application data and deadline
The applications from service providers to be selected as beneficiaries are re-opened from the 19 of September until 3 October 2023 at 24:00 hours. Documents should be send to the email 2circular@unido.org, with the subject “Service Providers Application- Name of the candidate”.
Application requirements
To apply as Service Providers beneficiaries of the 2Circular project, individuals must submit the following:
- Application form (annex 2 - download it using this LINK.
- Motivation Letter
- Curriculum vitae in the attached template (annex 3 -download it using this LINK).
- If working in a consultancy firm or any company, letter of the employer confirming their permission to the candidate to become a beneficiary service provider, and therefore, to attend the 5-day training course and conduct the TEST assessment on an ad-hoc basis.
- Scanned copy of passport’s first page or an official national ID.
Contact Person Email: 2circular@unido.org