UNIDO - Formulation of Project Document on Resource Efficiency in Industry. Request for Proposal No. 7000004807

UNIDO is a UN specialized agency dealing with inclusive and sustainable industrial development.  The project has a focus on industrial resource efficiency, working with industries in Lebanon to improve environmental performance while enhancing productivity. The project falls within the framework of the "EU contribution to Lebanon Reform, Recovery and Reconstruction following the Beirut Explosion – Private Sector Component"


How to apply

Interested companies are invited to access the tender through UNIDO's e-Procurement Portal:https://www.unido.org/resources-procurement/notices where they can dowload the Terms of References and the Bidder's Access Guide, and submit their proposal.  Registration of companies in UNIDO data base is a pre-requisite in order to submit a quotation for the tender.

Thursday, 20. May 2021
Type of Call
Call for Proposals
Intervention Sector(s):
Development, Environment