Youth Hubs under the Women, Youth, Peace and Security Program
About the Project
Search is implementing a four-year project called “Women, Youth, Peace and Security”. The project’s overall goal is to strengthen women and youth’s meaningful, enduring participation in advancing inclusive peace and security in the Levant and Yemen. To do this, the project aims to: 1) consolidate women's rights organizations’ (WROs) and youth-focused/youth-led organizations’ (YFOs/YLOs) strategic engagement and influence in municipal and national peace and reconciliation processes; 2) motivate key sub-national and national institutions to strengthen inclusive policies and standards facilitating inclusive youth and women’s participation in peace and security; and 3) promote shifts in social norms around women and youth’s meaningful inclusion in peace and security at all levels, including stronger alliances with men and boys.
Scope of Work
Under the Women, Youth, Peace, and Security program, Search aims to establish youth hubs across Lebanon. These hubs will foster unity and understanding among youth from diverse communities and marginalized groups. The hubs will create spaces for trust-building, grievance-sharing, and collaboration on common goals, thereby reducing tensions and bridging gaps. They will also reshape societal views on youth by engaging them in community activities, contributing to positive and transformative gender norms.
- Bridge Gaps and Reduce Tensions: Create spaces for youth from different communities and marginalized groups to get to know each other, build trust, share grievances, and collaborate towards common goals.
- Shift Societal Perspectives: Provide opportunities for youth to engage with their communities through diverse socio-cultural activities, altering perceptions and highlighting the positive roles youth can play.
Youth Hubs Infrastructure:
1. Establishment and Ownership
- Established and reputable facility with a proven track record in youth support.
- Owned and operated by organizations/entities committed to community well-being and experienced in working with youth.
2. Youth Accessibility and Availability
- Ensures continuous availability and accessibility for youth, including flexible hours to accommodate after school/university schedules.
- Safe, neutral, and inclusive location, easily accessible by various transportation methods, and equipped with accessibility features for people with disabilities.
3. Facility Features and Infrastructure Quality
- Adequate indoor and outdoor space for diverse activities, with sufficient rooms for multiple programs and workshops.
- High-quality infrastructure including WASH facilities, safety measures (first aid, fire extinguishers, etc.), comfortable amenities (heating, cooling, desks, chairs), and high-speed internet connectivity.
- Situated in a safe and neutral area, easily accessible by car, bus, or walking. Designed to be inclusive with accessibility features for people with disabilities.
N.B. some of the above mentioned criteria could be attained through support from Search - please refer to the section “honoring fiduciary commitments to the coverage of the hub’s expenses” for further information.
Youth Hubs Operations:
1. Inclusion of Youth in Participatory Processes:
- Foster a sense of ownership and empowerment by involving youth in the decision-making processes related to program design, activities, and community initiatives.
- Implement training programs to equip youth with leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills, enabling them to actively contribute to the planning and execution of projects.
2. Regular Events and Engagements:
- Organize a variety of engaging activities, including sports events, artistic performances, and cultural festivals, to cater to the diverse interests of the youth population.
- Establish regular town hall meetings, where youth can openly express their opinions, concerns, and ideas, creating a collaborative atmosphere that strengthens community bonds.
3. Diverse Range of Activities:
- Incorporate activities such as debates, awareness sessions, and training workshops to stimulate critical thinking, enhance knowledge, and promote a culture of continuous learning.
- Facilitate socio-cultural events, language courses, and poetry sessions to celebrate diversity, foster cultural understanding, and provide a platform for artistic expression.
- Organize exchange visits between different youth hubs, creating opportunities for cross-cultural interactions, knowledge sharing, and the development of a broader perspective.
Youth Engagement in the Hubs:
An open call will be launched targeting youth aged 18-35, emphasizing inclusivity with quotas for gender balance, IDPs, host communities, marginalized groups, and people with disabilities. The outreach strategy involves engaging with existing youth hubs and Youth-Led Organizations (YLOs) and Youth-Focused Organizations within the WYPS program.
Hub Identification Strategy and Locations:
Search aims to establish five youth hubs across Lebanon, divided among the North, Mount Lebanon, Bekaa, Beirut, and South governorates. This call aims to identify suitable hubs in these target locations.
Honoring fiduciary commitments to the coverage of the hub’s expenses related to direct costs incurred by the project
Search will financially compensate for the efforts and expenses put forth by the hub in accordance with Search’s internal policies and procedures and available funding. This will be determined and included in the Memorandum of Understanding to be signed between Search and the identified hub. Covered expenses may include:
- Funding activities at the youth hubs;
- Training staff at the hubs;
- Supporting running costs throughout the project;
- Completing necessary minor renovations.
The youth hub will be operational from August 2024 to December 2025.
How to apply
To apply, interested entities should provide a "Company Profile", including the following through the below link:
- A capacity statement , including background information about the center/organization, location, demographics of the attendees of the center, capacities of the team, type of activities implemented, successes, pictures of activities and the center, social media and/or website links (maximum 5 pages);
- Registration documents.
P.S: Please consolidate all the documents in one pdf, and upload them to "Company Profile"