Public Call for Tender no 91186194 procurement of Thresher for Legumes VC PN# 21.1823.0-001.00 ACE

Brief information on the project

The project Strengthening Agriculture, local Communities and small and medium Enterprises (ACE) aims to strengthen economic stabilization and improve social cohesion through targeted measures to promote cooperation and exchange in three areas of action: 

  1. Agriculture: Support of farmers to form agricultural associations and to produce in accordance with market needs, including training and sharing of good agricultural practices.  
  2. Support of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME): Targeted promotion of income prospects with financial and capacity-building measures to promote entrepreneurial action and closing important gaps in the value chains 
  3. Local communities & social cohesion: Joint planning & implementation of low-threshold community initiatives both within civil society and together with local governments to strengthen positive intergroup experiences as well as increasing confidence in local capacity to act 

The project is categorized as part of the transitional development assistance. The project will promote individual skills so that the parties responsible in agricultural businesses, food processing enterprises and other SMEs downstream of agriculture, as well as local authorities and civil society, will be able to understand changes and adapt their actions. 


This request aims to support farmers to form agricultural associations and to produce in accordance with market needs. AoA1 is implementing a project that is supporting 130 smallholder farmers through the support of 15 farmer groups through the implementation of the Agribusiness Cluster Approach (ABC). The ABC approach aims at strengthening the business relationships among agribusiness market actors and smallholder farmers for their own benefit. To ensure the complementarity of the implemented measures targeting the legume value chain actors in Bekaa, the farmers will be equipped with a thresher that will allow them to improve their agricultural practices, thus reducing their cost of production, which will increase their competitiveness and their capacity to meet the market needs successfully. Therefore, this request for tender is to identify local suppliers that provide, deliver, and install the items according to the specifications listed. 

The contractor is responsible for the provision, and delivery of the item listed in the attached terms of reference, with the technical characteristics of the item and the quantity to be delivered in accordance with that of which is mentioned in the Term of Reference.

We reserve the right to conduct the negotiations in consecutive phases with a view to reducing the number of tenders under negotiation.


How to apply

We request full conformity with all conditions/ general terms as mentioned below and would like to point out that non-conformity could lead to the exclusion of your offer.

Further information, regarding the intended project, may be obtained in writing by sending an email to during normal office hours by Wednesday 12.02.2025 till 2 pm.

Noting that in your e-mail the subject should be : Clarification Tender no 91186194 procurement pf Thresher for Legumes VC 

The offer shall be sent in two separate emails to: in-PDF format by Thursday, February 20, 2025 - till 23:59 o'clock  Beirut Local Time at the latest.


One for the Technical Offer/Proposal and another for the Financial Offer.

Your emails shall be named as follows:

-Company name/Technical offer/ Our inquiry number: 91186194

-Company name/ Financial offer/ Our inquiry number: 91186194


The offers shall be submitted in English language only.

The offers shall be signed, dated and stamped.

Refurbished items are not acceptable.

All manuals must be delivered in English.

A warranty document for the equipment must be delivered with each individual item. The warranty document period for all items must be at least one year against mechanical failures.

Delivery shall be concluded within 8 weeks from the purchase order date. Failure to provide up to 5-weeks delivery period will result in the exclusion of the offer. A note of the delivery period should be included in the offer.

The supplier should handover the items on site with full functionality.  

The offer should include transportation and delivery fees , and the provider must prepare and deliver the items to the intended locations in West Bekaa, Lebanon  - detailed locations will be communicated after contract signature). 

GIZ has the right to request a sample check for the mentioned items after the offer has been submitted.

Please quote your prices bearing in mind that a penalty of 1/2 % of the total purchase order sum will be deducted on each delayed week calculated from the due date of delivery.


Email 1: Technical Proposals, which must include: 

Complete and detailed technical specifications and description of each item shall be sent as PDF (material, colour, dimensions, serial number…) 

Company’s Portfolio including the board members. 

Company’s legal documents, company registration and MoF registration. 

Delivery agreement specifying the delivery lead time 

Original Warranty of each item including company original mechanical failures

GIZ general purchase conditions and Code of Conduct signed, dated, and stamped. 

Self-declaration EU-Russia sanctions signed, dated, and stamped. 

Technical proposal shall be sent as PDF file including the complete and detailed  technical specifications and description of each item (material, colour, dimensions,capacity,…).

Additionally, bidders should provide documentation proving they meet the following requirements:

Annual turnover of at least € 10,000, verified by audited financial statements or a tax clearance certificate.

At least five employees, verified by employee records or organizational chart.

At least one reference project in the technical provision of agricultural materials and equipment and one reference project in Lebanon within the last three years amounting to a minimum commission value of € 10,000 for each project.

* Note that any price indication of any item in the technical offer will lead to disqualification.


Email 2: Financial Proposals, which must include:

Financial offer in USD including Taxes/VAT.

Financial offer includes the date and the company’s Tax registration number at the Ministry of Finance.

The financial proposal shall clearly indicate the price of the overall tender and the price for each item.

Bank account details of the company inside Lebanon.

The financial offer must be in USD only including taxes, should be valid at least for Four Months after the submission date, please mention it in your offer.

NB: This tender will be a negotiated procedure tender

We reserve the right to award the contract based on initial tenders without entering into negotiations.

We reserve the right, once the initial tenders have been submitted, to make a selection on the basis of the criteria listed in the tender documents (price and/or technical) and only to enter into negotiations with the three tenderers that received the best scores.

We reserve the right to conduct the negotiations in consecutive phases with a view to reducing the number of tenders under negotiation.


Please note that in case you did not receive any notification in writing within 4 weeks after the deadline for submitting the offers, it shall indicate that your offer has not been accepted. You shall not receive a separate notice to this effect.   

The bidders shall not be reimbursed for their submitted offers.

Sending your offers to any other email address or non-compliance with any of the mentioned conditions will result in rejecting your participation in this tender.

All Products / items with Origin Russia or Belarus are not accepted by GIZ Office and Projects due to sanction list against Russia and Belarus.

N.B. The maximum mailbox receive size is capped at 25 MB. Documents exceeding the mentioned MB should be transferred via : Start ( (Provide the password)

Thursday, 20. Feb 2025
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):