ACCD - MASAR - Procurement of GIS Database for the Union of Oussat wa Sahil al Qaytaa and the Union of Menieh

Terms of Reference Procurement of GIS Database


Position description


GIS Database

Activity name 

SO1: To improve the capacities of subnational governments to engage in holistic, area-based planning and consider different scenarios that respond to the needs of the host, refugee and IDP populations.

Pilot project: Area-Based Planning and establishment of Technical Unit at the Unions of Municipalities

This assignment contributes to the implementation of the following activities:

1.4.3 Procurement of supporting tools & data for GIS and planning unit

Project background

MASAR for Local Governments is a programme funded by the EU MADAD Trust Fund. The overall aim of the programme is to strengthen the long-term resilience of targeted subnational governments and their host, refugee and IDP populations to deal with displacement.

Sub-national governments in Iraq and Lebanon have been the first to be confronted by the repercussions of the Syrian refugee crisis: increased pressure on local services, competition for local employment opportunities, corroding social cohesion, faster urbanisation trends, rent-seeking behaviour and inflation due to externally injected funds in the local economy, and so forth.

MASAR focuses on the urban setting, which is the background of processes of displacement, investment, employment and service delivery.

In Lebanon the programme aims to help governorates of Baalbek-Hermel, Akkar, coastal plain north of Tripoli and their unions of municipalities to deal with accelerated urbanisation caused by the crisis.

This programme will mobilise municipal experts from Lebanon and Europe to contribute to build the capacity of subnational governments.

This capacity development can  include, among others:

  • provision of technical advice;
  • training;
  • coaching and mentoring addressed to municipal Planning Units or Service Departments.

Capacity building activities will be complemented by pilot quick impact projects aiming to, for instance, designing an urban layout to improve an existing network of streets and roads to better accommodate a higher influx of traffic, or to set up a municipal solid waste sorting plant to better cope with increasing volumes of litter.

MASAR project is being implemented by a consortium of European entities: VNG International (the association of municipalities of the Netherlands), the Polish Centre for International Aid (Polish acronym PCPM), the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation (Catalan acronym ACCD), and Local Government Denmark (Danish acronym KL).

The expert will work with ACCD under direct supervision by the Front Officer in the coastal plain north of Tripoli, including areas within the Governorates of North Lebanon and Akkar. See annex for ACCD’s geographical area of intervention

Geographical scope of the assignment

  • Union of Oussat wa Sahil al Qaytaa, Governorate of Akkar, 14 municipalities
  • Union of Menieh, Governorate of North Lebanon, 5 municipalities

Specific background materials

  • MASAR project reports including profiles of Unions of Municipalities
  • Results of GIS profile and specification of database

Aim and scope of this assignment

ACCD is implementing a pilot project to capacitate local governments in Area-Based Planning through the establishment of Technical Unit at the Unions of Municipalities (UoM). This project will develop the capacities in cartography, GIS, digitalisation of spatial data focusing on land use and household mapping, which will allow for better analysing and planning the needs in public services.

Having completed a full technical study that defined the requirements to set up a GIS system in the two UoM, ACCD will prepare a database of maps, satellite imagery and data.

Key Responsibilities

The expert/firm will be responsible creating a database of up-to-date GIS maps and satellite imagery for the two Unions of Municipalities (19 municipalities in total).

The database will include:

  • Cadastral maps
  • Decree and zoning maps
  • Planning maps and regulations
  • High resolution satellite imagery
  • Ground elevation data (contour lines)
  • Land use/cover maps
  • Database development and design


Main activities

The expert/firm will provide a database of up-to-date GIS maps and satellite imagery.

Details and data attributes have to comply with the following specifications.


Deliverable 1: Basic GIS Cadastral Maps for 19 Municipalities

This includes the following tasks:

  • Request, follow-up and acquire the updated paper maps (Approx. 200 A0 Maps covering around 83 square kilometres) for 19 municipalities from both Land Registry offices of Akkar and North Lebanon.
  • Scan, geo-reference and rectify the A0 paper maps in GIS according to the Lebanese Coordinate System (SGL stereographic projection)
  • Gather from the surveyors in the region, all the digital CAD maps produced by the World Bank in 2006 to be used as a base-reference layer.
  • Clean the CAD files and convert into GIS data.
  • Update the GIS maps (digitizing and editing) to include every subdivision and land pooling operation done since 2006 till 2020 based on the maps acquired from the Land Registry offices.
  • Rectify the maps and fix topology errors.
  • Generate the land areas in sq. m.

Delivered data format: GIS Shapefile or Feature Class

Attributes: Lot number, Lot area



Deliverable 2: Basic GIS Zoning Maps, Decree/Planning Maps and Regulations for 19 Municipalities

This includes the following tasks:

  • Request, follow-up and acquire the updated paper maps (Approx. 50 A0 Maps covering around 83 square kilometres) for 19 municipalities from the DG Urban Planning Office.
  • Scan, geo-reference and rectify the A0 paper maps in GIS according to the Lebanese Coordinate System (SGL stereographic projection)
  • Data entry of the land-use planning regulations for each zone including specifications regarding lot size, density or bulk, height, and floor area ratio (FAR) and more.
  • Rectify the maps and fix topology errors

Delivered data format: GIS Shapefile or Feature Class

Attributes: Lot zoning, regulations (specify whether zones can be used for residential, commercial, institutional or open space purposes, that may also regulate lot size, placement, bulk (or density) and the height of structure, etc.), decree number, decree type, subtracted area and remaining area from lot.



Deliverable 3: High Resolution Satellite Imagery

  • Acquire 2019/2020 High Resolution Imagery (50 centimetre GSD) for 19 municipalities (Area around 83 sq. km).

Delivered data format: Georeferenced Raster Format (.tif)



Deliverable 4 (Completed): Ground Elevation Data (Contour Lines) and Land Use/Cover Maps in GIS format

This includes the following tasks:

  • Request, follow-up and acquire the contour lines maps of the natural ground.
  • Request, follow-up and acquire the Land Use/Cover maps.

Delivered data format: GIS Shapefile or Feature Class



Deliverable 5: Database development and design

This includes the following tasks:

  • Design and develop a complete database schema (SQL Based) compatible with both open source and commercial GIS to include all the maps mentioned above with their attributes. This database allows data maintenance, update and ensures security.

Delivered data format: PostgreSQL (for open source GIS) and ESRI Geodatabase (for commercial GIS)


Outputs / Deliverables

The expert will prepare and submit the following outputs/deliverables covering all 19 municipalities:

  1. GIS Cadastral maps
  2. GIS Zoning, decree and regulation maps
  3. High resolution satellite images
  4. GIS Ground elevation and Land cover/use maps
  5. Database design

Reporting requirements

The expert/firm will work under the supervision of ACCD’s Front Officer and in close collaboration with the project team.

Profile of bidder

The consulting firm/organization shall offer a complete team of experts in order to carry out the required tasks in the most complete professional and competent manner. The team shall comprise at a minimum the needed experts in the different fields of engineering/science involved in the performance of the tasks such as: GIS and CAD software, topography, cartographic modelling, surveying, aerial & satellite imagery, cadastral planning, etc.

The team composition and roles, with credentials and qualifications must be clearly presented in the proposal and an organizational chart showing the hierarchy in the management structure and flow of instructions/information must be inserted.

The consulting firm shall be a reputable institution, which have completed similar projects in Lebanon preferably in the North and Akkar region; shall have the relevant experience in each of the required fields of which a minimum of 6 years of experience in assessment and design of water management and irrigation systems;




Terms and Conditions

Period of the assignment

November-December 2020, 5 weeks maximum

Estimated timeline for submission of deliverables:

Deliverable 1: day 20

Deliverable 2: day 15

Deliverable 3: day 10

Deliverable 4: day 10

Deliverable 5: day 25


In order to be eligible for this assignment, the expert will provide ACCD with the following:

  • Technical proposal with chronogram
  • Financial proposal

 ACCD will evaluate the proposal and select the expert accordingly.

Instructions to submit proposal will be sent to the by ACCD HQ contract office.

Location of the Assignment

North Lebanon: Menieh Union of Municipalities

Akkar: Oussat wa Sahel al Qaytaa Union of Municipalities

Relevant contact details

Enric Ibarz (ACCD Area Manager, Tripoli): [email protected]

Corinne Sakr (Coordinator on Municipal Strategic Planning, Tripoli): [email protected]

Nicole Ochando (Project manager, Barcelona) : [email protected]



    How to apply

    When submitting their tenders, tenderers must follow all instructions, forms, terms of reference, contract provisions and specifications contained in this tender dossier. Failure to submit a tender containing all the required information and documentation within the deadline specified may lead to the rejection of the tender.


    Professional and Technical capacity of the tenderer

    The tenderer shall meet the following educational and professional qualifications of the person responsible for the execution of the contract.

    The consulting firm/organization shall offer a complete team of experts in order to carry out the required tasks in the most complete professional and competent manner. The team shall comprise at a minimum the needed experts in the different fields of engineering/science involved in the performance of the tasks such as: GIS and CAD software, topography, cartographic modelling, surveying, aerial & satellite imagery, cadastral planning, etc.

    The team composition and roles, with credentials and qualifications must be clearly presented in the proposal and an organizational chart showing the hierarchy in the management structure and flow of instructions/information must be inserted.

    The consulting firm shall be a reputable institution, which have completed similar projects in Lebanon preferably in the North and Akkar region; shall have the relevant experience in each of the required fields of which a minimum of 6 years of experience in assessment and design of water management and irrigation systems;

    Criteria of the experts:

    •    Education: Degree in a relevant subject related to the tasks of this contract (Architect, Technical Architect, Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering, Canals-Ports-Roads Engineering, or equivalent.)

    •    Languages: Fluency in written and spoken English and Arabic. Working knowledge of French.

    Deadline for submission 19/12/2020

    Contact details will be found in the tender documents.

    (Please contact us for submitting the financial offer template)

    Saturday, 19. Dec 2020
    Type of Call
    Calls for Tenders
    Intervention Sector(s):
    Agriculture, Development, Population/ Human Settlements, Science & Technology, Water sanitation and hygiene