Analysis of Lessons Learned and Key Enablers in a Cash-for-Work Project.

Terms of References
Analysis of Lessons Learned and Key Enablers in a Cash-for-Work Project
April -May 2024
Oxfam in Lebanon, in partnership with Green Track, implemented a 1-year project funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) entitled “Qadreen: Generating temporary employment opportunities for the most vulnerable communities affected by multiple crises in Minieh-Donnieh, North Lebanon”. The project aims to contribute to mitigating the social consequences of the Syrian crisis on the most vulnerable groups in the Minieh-Donnieh district by improving access to income, better infrastructure and public services for vulnerable refugees and Lebanese in the area, ultimately reducing social tensions.
The project seeks to achieve the following results (1) Vulnerable men and women have access to opportunities for temporary employment in productive public infrastructure and environmental protection in the municipalities of Bqarsouna and Bqaa Sifrine, (2) Services based on participatory processes are provided at municipal level in Baarqsouna and Bqaa Sifrine and (3) Integrated municipal solid waste management services improved in Bqaa Sifrine to reduce social tensions.
The project focused on community works that help improve, preserve or rehabilitate community services, resources or infrastructure, thereby benefiting the entire community where they are implemented. Examples of some of the public works done as part of the project were the construction of irrigation canals, installation of solar streetlights, plantation of trees, and cleaning of irrigation canals and agricultural roads, in addition to preparation of meals and snacks for workers. Additionally, a steering committee was established that includes representatives from Oxfam, the two municipalities, the Bakhoun SDC, and MoSA, to address emerging challenges and ensure a cohesive approach.
Field visits along with positive feedback from the community and workers reveals the project’s tangible impact on fostering a sense of pride and accomplishment among participants and contributing to the transformation of the villages into a safer environment
while contributing to the enhancement of social cohesion among different diverse groups within the communities.
Purpose and Objectives
This assignment seeks to document lessons learned and emerging good practices from the Qadreen project to inform the design and implementation of future Cash-for-Work projects, with a specific focus on how these projects impact women and men differently. The evaluation process will involve consultations with stakeholders to assess the project’s achievements, challenges, and impact on the community and social cohesion, particularly those related to gender equity. It will also explore best practices and contextual factors influencing project outcomes. This analysis will provide evidence-based recommendations to guide future projects in achieving their desired social impact.
Methodological approach
The consultant will conduct a desk review of projects documents which include proposals, narrative reports, baseline and endline data, meeting minutes, procurement records, and other relevant documentation. Field visits to project locations will be followed by focus group discussions (FGDs) with diverse beneficiary groups in the two areas (refugees and host communities). Key informant interviews (KIIs) will be conducted with project staff, heads of the two municipalities, and other relevant stakeholders. Data analysis methods will include thematic analysis for the qualitative data (FGDs, KIIs).
The consultant will be guided by the following questions, though this is not an exhaustive list:
- Participatory Processes: How did the project's participatory processes (including engagement with heads of municipalities, municipal members, engineers, local communities, and other relevant stakeholders) enhance service provision at the municipal level, empower communities, and foster local ownership? How has the establishment of the steering committee contributed to the overall success of the project, and the achievement of its objectives? What mechanisms were used in this project to facilitate effective coordination between the donor, Oxfam, MoSA, SDC, municipalities, and local communities? Did the project enhance the coordination on the local level between municipalities and SDCs?
- Impact of Local Sourcing: What were the key benefits and challenges associated with using local suppliers (e.g., economic impact on the community, access to expertise, logistical constraints)? How did the use of local suppliers contribute to the sustainability and ownership of the project within the community?
- Social Cohesion and Resilience: How did the project contribute to building social cohesion and resilience among vulnerable communities, considering factors like trust-building, skill-sharing and resource sharing? How did the improvements made in integrated municipal solid waste management services contribute to reducing social tensions in the area?
- Effectiveness of Employment Opportunities: How effective was the project in creating temporary employment opportunities, considering income generation, skill development, access to public services, gender equity, and the differential impact on men and women?
- Women’s Participation and Challenges: How effectively did the project utilize participatory methods to engage women in decision-making processes and project activities? What specific strategies were used to overcome barriers that women faced in participating in the project (e.g., childcare responsibilities, cultural norms)?
- Persons with Disabilities Participation: Were specific adaptations made to ensure accessible participation of persons with disabilities in project activities (e.g., accessible infrastructure, communication methods)? Did the project contribute to increased access to services and opportunities for persons with disabilities within the community?
- Project Challenges and Mitigations: What were the key challenges encountered during project implementation, and how were they mitigated for project success? What are the key factors influencing the effectiveness of the project, such as risk mitigation strategies, community engagement approaches, and coordination mechanisms?
- Replication Potential: What are the potential barriers and enablers for replicating this project in similar contexts? Are there transferable elements of the project’s design or implementation approach that could be adapted for different contexts?
- Future Project Recommendations: Based on the findings, what recommendations can be made to improve the design and implementation of future Cash-for-Work projects in fragile contexts? What key lessons learned about engaging community members and fostering a sense of pride in ownership for future projects?
Expected Deliverables
The consultant is expected to provide the following deliverables:
▪ Inception Report outlining the consultant’s understanding of the ToR, methodology, tools, ethical considerations and workplan
▪ Debriefing with Oxfam team and the steering committee on the initial findings, prior to drafting the report
▪ Lessons learned brief: This brief (approximately 10 pages) should synthesize key findings, emerging good practices, and evidence-based recommendations for future cash-for-work projects.
The total number of working days allocated for this consultancy is set at 20 working days spread across April and May 2024 as per the below preliminary timeline.
Expected number of days
Desk review
Development and validation of methodology and tools
Consultations/Data collection
Data management and analysis
First draft report write-up
Final draft report write-up
Total Number of Days
Qualifications of the consultants/consultancy firm
This consultancy should be led by a person (or team) with:
✓ Prior experience in social impact assessments and Cash-for-Work evaluations.
✓ A minimum of 5 years of experience in conducting quantitative and qualitative research
✓ Expertise in social cohesion and community development.
✓ Knowledge of gender-sensitive and feminist approaches
✓ Excellent communications skills in English, including advanced writing skills
✓ Fluency in Arabic is required
✓ Familiarity with Oxfam’s work or other international NGOs will be an advantage
Expression of Interest (EOI)
Interested consultants should submit their:
• CV(s) of the consultant(s) and/or role of each consultant recruited under the scope of this assignment for firms;
• A technical proposal which includes a detailed methodology outlining the workplan for the assignment;
• A financial proposal detailing all costs associated with the assignment;
• 2-3 samples of similar work previously done;
• Registration and official government documents, if applicable. Noting that 8.5% will be deducted from the total amount if not registered.
• Bank details (Fresh account)
Oxfam International in Lebanon reserves the right to reject any and all bids, including the Bidding processes, or not to award the contract at any time, without thereby incurring and liability to the affected Bidders.
Please submit the full application documents (as mentioned above) to [email protected] by April 19th, 2024 midnight mentioning “Qadreen Learning Brief’’ in the Subject line.

How to apply

Interested consultants should submit their:
• CV(s) of the consultant(s) and/or role of each consultant recruited under the scope of this assignment for firms;
• A technical proposal which includes a detailed methodology outlining the workplan for the assignment;
• A financial proposal detailing all costs associated with the assignment;
• 2-3 samples of similar work previously done;
• Registration and official government documents, if applicable. Noting that 8.5% will be deducted from the total amount if not registered.
• Bank details (Fresh account)
Oxfam International in Lebanon reserves the right to reject any and all bids, including the Bidding processes, or not to award the contract at any time, without thereby incurring and liability to the affected Bidders.
Please submit the full application documents (as mentioned above) to [email protected] by April 19th, 2024 midnight mentioning “Qadreen Learning Brief’’ in the Subject line.

Friday, 19. Apr 2024
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Advocacy & Awareness, Coordination & Information management, Research & Studies
Remuneration range:
4000 to 5000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
Detailed timeline per deliverable to be agreed upon with the consultant.