Media and business development experts/ company

Internews is an international nonprofit with 30 offices around the world. At Internews, we believe everyone deserves trustworthy news and information to make informed decisions about their lives and hold power to account. We train journalists and digital rights activists, tackle disinformation, and offer business expertise to help media outlets become financially sustainable.

In Lebanon, Internews is implementing Advancing Diverse Voices in Lebanon, a 2-years project (2021-2022) funded by the Embassy of Netherlands in partnership with Maharat Foundation. Under this project, Internews is committed to build the capacity of eight independent media initiatives through providing tailored hands-on capacity development support, which consists of three main phases:

  1. Organizational needs assessment (finalized in June 2022):
    1. The assessment covered the following three indexes: Institutional, Information and knowledge and Technology and digital security indexes.
  2. Organizational needs assessment planning (finalized in mid-July 2022):
    1. Based on needs identified and outlets priorities and ambition.
  3. Tailored thematic capacity development support (August- October 2022):
    1. Based on the assessment and the capacity development plan.

Internews is thus looking for a Company or a Group of Experts to deliver identified thematic support to the eight engaged independent media initiatives and outlets.

A total of 16 days of online hands-on trainings is planned for, focusing on:

  1. Management-focused trainings:
    1. Project management.
    2. Basic financial management.
    3. Business planning and fundraising.
    4. Persona modelling and social media analysis.
    5. Design thinking.
  2. Media production- focused trainings:
    1. Solution journalism.
    2. Environmental journalism.
    3. Mobile journalism.
    4. Fact- checking.
    5. Pod cast production.

Deliverables and reporting requirements

  • One comprehensive Inception Report.
  • 11 final training outlines, pre-post tests and training material.
  • 11 online trainings (16 training days).
  • 11 training reports which includes data analysis of pre/post-tests (1 report/ training).
  • One final report in English covering the entire period of the assignment.
  • One World Document draft of the booklet including all material to be shared (designed and edited).
  • One PDF of the final booklet including all material to be shared (designed and edited).



  • To attend an induction meeting with Internews team to gain a clear overview of the activity and to go over activity related documents (namely the needs assessment report).
  • To plan for training delivery dates and times in a participatory approach with 8 media outlets.
  • To submit a comprehensive Inception report detailing:         
    • Training methodology which should adopt a hands-on learning approach.
    • Platform(s) to be used.
    • Draft of training outline and material.
    • Expert assigned for each training as well as a brief professional background.
    • Pre and post-tests to be used to monitor learning progress.

Training delivery and reporting:

  • To submit a final training outline at least 1 week prior to each training.
  • To organize and facilitate 11 online training (16 full days training as per the segregation above) for an average of 18 participants from the 8 media outlets. Each training should result in at least one concrete output that can help outlets improve the organizational capacity such as a financial management plan, a work breakdown structure, a business plan, a mission and vision statement, pitch, guidelines, engagement strategy, etc.
  • To administer and process pre/posttests during each training to document and monitor learning progress. 
  • To gather and maintain the attendance sheet, evaluation and feedback, photos, and all other related documents from each training.
  • To submit a training report by maximum one week after each session. Training report should include data analysis of pre/post-tests.
  • To submit a final report in English which captures the entire training delivery process and the general knowledge progress achieved.

PDF Booklet production:

Finally, the contracted company will also be tasked with the compilation of all resources used throughout this assignment in a PDF booklet (English or Arabic) aimed to facilitate transfer of information within the targeted group of media outlets (within teams and between outlets) and to provide nascent alternative media outlets with a user-friendly guide on how to develop and strengthen their organizational capacities. The PDF booklet thus targets Nascent alternative media outlets in Lebanon and the region. We expect the booklet to have an attractive outlook, uses simple English and short sentences, and include visuals, infographics, graphs, tables, and checklists. The booklet’s outline can look as follow:

    1. Abstract
    2. Executive summary
    3. Introduction (including explanation on the flow and the methodology).
    4. Theme 1: Organizational development, and could include resources on:
      1. Organizational capacity assessment
      2. Capacity development planning
      3. Project management
      4. Basic financial management
      5. Design thinking
      6. Digital safety and security
      7. Well-being
      8. Best practices
      9. FAQ.
    5. Theme 2: Media development, and could include resources on:
      1. Business planning and fundraising
      2. Persona modelling and social media analysis
      3. Collaborative journalism
      4. Podcasts
      5. Audience engagement
      6. Best practices
      7. FAQ.
    6. Theme 3: Content and editorial, and could include resources on:
      1. Gender sensitive coverage
      2. Ethical journalism
      3. Inclusive journalism
      4. Investigative journalism
      5. Environmental journalism
      6. Fact checking
      7. Mobile journalism
      8. Solution journalism
      9. Pod cast production
      10. Best practices
      11. FAQ.
    7. Annexes – including cheat sheets, templates, etc.


Budget and duration:

The total duration of the consultancy is 3 months, starting from August 2022 and ending in October 2022.

Available budget: 11300 USD.

Proposed budget should include VAT.

Ethics and Risk

All the documents produced are highly sensitive and confidential. It is strictly prohibited to share any documents or information without written authorization from Internews.


Assignment Management

The Lebanon Project Manager, Internews MENA Regional Impact and Learning Manager and Program Officer will be overseeing this assignment.


Required qualifications

  • Strong and proven experience in preparing, organizing, and delivering training online using participatory approaches and interactive platforms.
  • Substantial experience in media and organizational development capacity building or a proven ability to outsource media and organizational development experts.
  • Proven experience in producing learning curriculum.
  • Excellent communication and facilitation skills (including active listening).
  • Fluency in Arabic language; English for reporting is a must.
  • Sensitivity to cross-cultural dynamics and experience working with MSMEs and media initiatives.
  • Strong analytical and conceptual thinking skills; able to understand highly complex issues and translate them into simple, workable actions and plans.
  • In-depth understanding of the media landscape in Lebanon, in particular the operating context and environment of alternative media outlets.

How to apply

Expression of Interest

If you believe you qualify for this exiting assignment, please submit an Expression of Interest by August 7th, 2022 through this link:

Applications received by mail and incomplete applications will not be considered.

 The application must include:

  • A technical proposal which demonstrates the relevant skills and experience of the applicant(s), presents a clear understanding of the assignment, and describes the methodological approach to be adopted.
  • A financial proposal with detailed cost break-down. The proposal should be all inclusive (taxes, commuting costs, etc.).
  • CV(s), including names/contact information of two references, preferably from organizations with whom the company has conducted similar types of assignments.
Sunday, 07. Aug 2022
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Communications & Media
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
3 months