Evaluator(s)- Final Evaluation of Advancing Diverse Voices project in Lebanon

About Internews: 

Internews is an international nonprofit operating in 100 countries. At Internews, we believe everyone deserves trustworthy news and information to make informed decisions about their lives and hold power to account. We train journalists and digital rights activists, tackle disinformation, and offer business expertise to help media outlets become financially sustainable. For more information about the organization please visit: www.internews.com  

The Project: 

Advancing Diverse Voices in Lebanon (ADVIL) is a two-year project (2020-2022) funded by the Embassy of Netherlands and implemented in partnerships with Maharat Foundation. The project aims to strengthen Lebanese media in their role to protect and promote democracy, human rights, and fundamental freedoms.

Project Objectives: 

The overall objective of Amplifying Diverse Voices is to strengthen Lebanese media in their role to protect and promote democracy, human rights, and fundamental freedoms. The specific objective is to improve the access of audiences to inclusive and diverse high-quality content in Lebanon by strengthening the editorial and institutional capacity and sustainability of emerging independent media platforms and engaging women and youth in community-based reporting.

Outcome 1. Increased inclusion and amplification of diverse local voices and perspectives through media.

Outcome 2. Target emerging media platforms providers demonstrate improved capacity to serve diverse audiences with high-quality content, as well as strengthened institutional security, sustainability, and resilience.

Project Activities: 

Outcome 1: Increased inclusion of diverse local voices and rights-based perspectives in local media

§  Activity 1.1. Media landscape mapping

§  Activity 1.2. Establish Listening Post

§  Activity 1.3. Provide basic journalism training for women and youth from under-served communities to address information gaps in their communities

Outcome 2: Targeted information providers demonstrate improved capacity to serve diverse audiences with high-quality content, as well as strengthened institutional security, sustainability, and resilience

§  Activity 2.1. Tailored capacity-building support

§  Activity 2.2. New Media Festival in Beirut to feature diverse and independent voices.

The Final Evaluation: 

1.     Scope

§  The project has been implemented for 24 months since its onset in December 2021 This is a mandatory final project evaluation required by the project donor and Internews’ Impact department.

§  The evaluation shall cover the entire project duration, from December 2020 to November 2022, examining its project design, management and activity implementation.§ The evaluation is expected to result in a series of key recommendations to build on results achieved to date and to guide the next phase of Internews' work in the country. 

2.     Objectives:

  • To assess and score the project’s design, log frame, implementation approach and processes adopted throughout the project lifecycle.  
  • To assess and score the project performance mainly in terms of its effectiveness, relevance, and efficiency- and to a lesser extent in terms of its sustainability and impact.
  • To identify areas of improvement and make practical recommendations for future programming in the country. 
  • Key evaluation questions 

    Evaluation criteria


    Mandatory evaluation questions


    1.       Relevance


    Where stakeholders’ priorities and needs articulated in the project design, and were the project’s theory of change and goal clearly specified?


    Did the project and its activity respond to needs and priorities of targeted groups? How?


    Was the project during its implementation sensitive and responsive to context? How?   


    2.       Effectiveness


    Did the project achieve its intended results on an outcome and output levels? If not, would have been needed to close the gap?


    How appropriate were the management processes in supporting delivery of project expected results?


    To what extent did the Project’s strategies, tools and M&E mechanism contribute to meeting project results?


    3.       Efficiency


    How far did the results achieved justify the cost incurred - were the resources effectively utilized by Internews and its implementing partner?


    Were project resources used as planned and appropriately and fully utilized and redirected as needs changed?


    How timely has this project been implemented and managed in accordance with the Project proposal? What activities were given more/less time than needed?


    4.       Sustainability


    To what are extent achieved results sustainable?


    Which key factors/areas require addition support/attention in order to improve prospects of sustainability of the project outcomes and the potential for replication of this approach?


    5.       Impact


    Were there any unintended outcomes that were realized because of the existence of the project?  If yes, what are they?


    Lessons learned and Key recommendations


    What are some of the key recommendations and lessons learnt from the project that can be used and replicated?


    What are some recommendations for similar interventions in the future?



    3.     Methodology:

    The consultant shall develop a clear methodology, and relevant tools, and include it in the Inception report. Data collection tools should be informed by the set methodology, and could include:

    1.      Desk review (project documents, reports, etc.)

    2.      Key Informant Interviews (e.g., with project staff, partners, externally recruited consultants and trainers, etc.)

    3.      Focus group discussion.

    Timeframe & Deliverables: 

    We anticipate around 25-35 full working days [1] will be needed to conduct this evaluation in a flexible working manner as follows:  







    Launch of ToR and bids reception  


    Deadline for applications: December 7, 2022




    Appointment of evaluator and initial briefing  


    Appointment: by December 16, 2022

    Briefing: as soon as possible upon appointment.  


    The consultant is expected to  

    have initial meetings with staff to inform inception  

    report (see below)  


    Inception report  


    By January 7, 2022


    Relevant documentation will  

    be made available and the inception report will include:  

    -       Literature review  

    -       Draft methodology  

    -       Data collection tools  

    -       Outline of final report structure  


    First draft report  


    By January 30th, 2023


    Internews staff will review the draft for further clarification, comment, and structure  


    Final draft report  


    By February 15, 2023





    Note that the draft and final reports should be presented in English and in a Word Document format, no longer than 30 pages (excluding any relevant annexes) and contain a concise Executive Summary of core findings and recommendations, the latter being specific and action-oriented, and tailored to all relevant stakeholders (i.e., Internews and the donor). It should also include a methodology section, making explicit any limits to the evaluation.  

    Essential Qualifications: 

    §  A minimum of 5 years’ experience in designing and conducting evaluations, preferably for Media Development projects.

    §  Experience in assessing and/or implementing development projects in Lebanon, in addition to extensive knowledge of the Lebanese Media and Information Landscape.

    §  Experience with qualitative and quantitative M&E data collection and analysis methods.  

    §  Experience of conducting data collection and analysis, including participatory methodologies.

    §  Sound judgement and ability to objectively evaluate projects in terms of results achieved as well as processes.

    §  Ability to provide strategic recommendations and lessons learned to different key stakeholders (donor, Internews and partner).

    §  Ability to produce high quality analytical and narrative reports in English.

    §  Strong facilitation, presentation, writing, and communication skills.

    §  Fluency in written and spoken Arabic and English is a must.

How to apply

Application deadline and requirements: 

Interested parties (individuals or companies), should apply via this link, by December 7th at the latest.

Applications should include the below documentation:  

§  A 2–3-page statement of interest/draft proposal, highlighting how your methodological approach will address the scope planned for this evaluation as well as describing how your profile meets criteria (see next section). 

§  Resume of the applicant.

§  Evidence of evaluation work (e.g., link to evaluation reports or PDF attachments), highlighting evaluation theories and approaches).

§  A short cost justification (not included in the 2-page limit) and estimated level of effort (number of days) – including your salary history and/or daily rate for your last 3 consultancies.  

Application must be made via this link:


Wednesday, 07. Dec 2022
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Communications & Media
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
25-35 full working days