Assessing and Designing Medicine Management (with Rational Use of Medicines) in SARC Health Facilities
- Rationale/Purpose
- Medicines are a major contributor to the health and well-being of human beings; they are a pivotal point in the prevention and treatment of disease. Due to the scarce nature of a resource, the availability, the equitable access of essential medicines with affordable price, and their appropriate or rational use is very challenging throughout the world, particularly in low and middle-income countries like Syria.
- Medicine management is a system of processes and behaviours that determine how medicines are used by the health care system and patients whereas, Rational use of medicines (RUM) is defined as “patients receive medications appropriate to their clinical needs, in doses that meet their own individual requirements, for an adequate period, and at the lowest cost to them and their community.
- Objective and scope of the assessment
- The main objective of the assignment is to support SARC to improve medicine management including rational use of medicines in all SARC Health facilities.
- To complete this task, the consultant with work closely with SARC on scope and deliverables as described below.
- 1. Assessment of areas that require strengthening in medicine management (including rational use of medicine) within SARC medical services system.
- 2. To develop action plan and recommendations to ensure proper medicine management and rational use of medicine (i.e. prescribing, dispensing, administering, and strengthening monitoring medicines) within SARC facilities.
- 3. To review and support SARC to update its existing standard operating procedures (and if necessary, develop or new/additional ones) for medicine management and rational use of medicines including procedures/guidelines (including templates) for quantification and ordering of medicines and medical supplies a) by SARC HQ from its partners and; b) by SARC PHC facilities from SARC central warehouse. Guidelines and procedures on rational use of medicines with clear clinical standardization of prescription and dispensing of medicines, in line with national clinical protocols and contextualizing the global standards (as necessary).
- 4. Strengthen SARC capacity to implement the guidelines and procedures on rational use of medicines including designing and facilitating Training of Trainers (ToTs) for SARC pharmacists and medical doctors on the revised standard operating procedures for medicine management.
- 5. Strengthen capacity of SARC to calculate the projected medicine and medical supplies needs for all SARC health facility in Syria based on national clinical protocols (or WHO or MSF clinical protocols if national not available), based on SARC’s standard list of medicines and medical supplies and the health information system data on disease’s caseload per sampled SARC supported facility. Validate and identify medicine needs/demand with SARC and its partners.
How to apply
Terms of Reference for the consultancy can be obtained by contacting
Deadline for submission a proposal is Sunday October20, 2024 end of the day.
Expired Deadline
Sunday, 20. Oct 2024
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Health, Training & Capacity Building
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
4 Months