Trainer on Communication and Social Media

The final deliverables must be submitted no later than 31 January 2022.

Maximum number of working days: 5 working days


Organisational overview

The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) is an international organisation tasked with promoting innovative, comprehensive and sustainable migration policies. With 18 Member States and over 60 projects active throughout Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America, ICMPD is a growing and ever-more relevant presence in its field. The organisation’s greatest assets are its 200+ staff members, who personify its values of commitment, integrity, partnership, respect, and innovation in actions and decisions.

Project background

The European Union funded “Strengthening Capability for Integrated Border Management in Lebanon (EU IBM Lebanon – phase 3) project builds on distinct efforts supported by the EU since 2012 in its sustained effort to support effective, efficient and coordinated border management. The EU IBM Lebanon – Phase 3 project takes into close consideration and builds on the lessons learned from the previous implementation phases; namely “Developing the National Capability for IBM in Lebanon (Phase 1)” and “Enhanced Capability for IBM in Lebanon (Phase 2)”. In developing more targeted communications activities and outputs, the EU IBM Lebanon – Phase 3 project seeks to highlight the importance of the EU’s continued support and commitment in contributing to enhanced border management, security and safety in Lebanon.

The project is implemented by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), an international organisation which has carried out several EU-funded projects in the fields of border management and security in Lebanon since 2012.


As part of EUIBM3 work to build capacities of our beneficiaries. The project is proposing a 2-day communication and social media training that enables the partners to implement more effective communication campaigns, namely on social and digital media. ICMPD Lebanon is looking for a qualified Communication and Social Media Expert  to support the activities related to the project and provide input based on the below described tasks and requested deliverables.

The training will aim at building the communications capacity of participant with a focus on strategy development, social media content production and campaigns. This, by improving their skills in content creation - including, but not limited to development of case studies/beneficiary stories, newsletters, photography, and video production, multimedia storytelling, as well as the effective management of their social media platforms, and intentional engagement with different types of audiences. The training will also include building their capacity to develop and implement successful targeted communication campaigns.

The training will include role plays, real life situations, case studies on existing posts and material from the security agencies.

How to apply

Interested experts should send their CV, cover letter and list of previous trainings with a reference to this announcement in the subject line of the email to [email protected], and address it to Ms. Dima Masri.

Due to the high volume of applications, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. The applicants should be available for a face-to face meeting or an interview via videoconference.

The assignment is subject to project funds availability and/or final approval by the donor. The invitation to an interview does not establish any right to future employment.

Friday, 03. Dec 2021
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Communications & Media
Remuneration range:
< 1000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
1 month