Background Information on Plan International 


Founded in 1937, Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organisation with no religious, political, or governmental affiliations. Our vision is a just world that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. We engage people and partners to; empower children, young people and communities to make vital changes that tackle the root causes of discrimination against girls, exclusion and vulnerability; drive change in practice and policy at local, national and global levels through our reach, experience and knowledge of the realities children face; work with children and communities to prepare for and respond to crises and to overcome adversity; support the safe and successful progression of children from birth to adulthood. 


To fulfil the promise of the 2030 Global Goals, our 5-year Global Strategy1 is designed to deliver significant change for girls and boys, putting a special emphasis on gender equality. We see clear links between fulfilling children’s rights, achieving gender equality and ending child poverty. Every girl and boy have the right to be healthy, educated, protected, valued and respected in their own community and beyond.  We support these rights from when children are born to when they reach adulthood. We work to ensure that girls and boys know their rights, and have the skills, knowledge, and confidence to fulfil them. This approach inspires and empowers children and communities to create long-lasting change. Girls have the power to change the world. Our ambition is to work beside them and together we act so 100 million girls learn, lead, decide and thrive. Our global advocacy work not only focuses on international policy but also ensures national governments can meaningfully implement and uphold laws that advance children’s rights and gender equality at community level. 



Background on the Service.

Plan International Inc. (Lebanon Office), through its various sectoral interventions, includes cash-based interventions due to their importance in providing more efficient and effective support to people, especially during emergencies. Cash assistance plays a crucial role in helping project participants recover from the negative impacts of disasters and crises, such as the multi-layered economic crisis that Lebanon has faced for several years and the ongoing Israeli attacks.

Cash can be an effective tool to achieve desired results in protection programming, education, and gender equality, which are thematic areas that Plan International is committed to addressing.

To ensure that the most vulnerable girls, boys, and their families can meet their basic needs, live free from violence and discrimination, and enjoy their full and equal rights, Plan is implementing cash-transfer modalities across all its sectors. This approach targets specific groups, including girls, boys, adolescents, youth, women, and men, thereby addressing the age- and gender-related needs of the crisis-affected population within the framework of Plan International’s Disaster Risk Management (DRM) vision.

Plan International’s cash programming adheres to and contributes to the directions set by the Global Framework of Action. We coordinate and collaborate with the national Cash Task Force and other humanitarian agencies to achieve our desired objectives.



Purpose and Scope 


The purpose of this RFQ is to identify and pre-position qualified financial service providers capable of legally operating in Lebanon. In the coming year (2024-2025), Plan International may implement multiple projects requiring cash distributions in the North, Akkar, Bekaa, South, Beirut Mount Lebanon, and Baalbek-Hermel governorates.


The selected provider will be offered a Long-Term Agreement (LTA) with Plan International Lebanon for a duration of 12 months. This agreement will pre-qualify the provider for the required services. When a project is confirmed, the provider will be solicited by Plan International to deliver the required services on a case-by-case basis. Each project will involve different volumes, transfer amounts, frequencies, and locations of transfers.


The initial phase of multi-purpose and cash for emergency distributions is 100$ cash transfers over at least 2 months for around 1,750 beneficiary (household). Expected start date is November 2024.


Consequently, the supplier will be required to sign a Scope of Work for each project, detailing the specifics of the cash transfers to be delivered, including the number of recipients, transfer amounts, frequency, dates of transfers, and their locations. Under the LTA, the supplier may be solicited to engage in one or more projects, or potentially none, over the course of the 12 months.



The objective of this tender is to select a qualified financial service provider that can facilitate all cash intervention services under Plan International Lebanon's various projects, with a Long-Term Agreement (LTA) to be signed for 12 months. This cash service provider will primarily support cash intervention services related to lifesaving and protection efforts for vulnerable populations, including IDPs and host communities, in the South of Lebanon affected by ongoing hostilities project.


About the tender process


Successful tenderers will be expected to enter into a formal contract with Plan International Inc.

Each successful tenderer will be considered a provider; however, the contract pertaining to this tender shall not constitute an exclusive agreement. Plan International reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to enter into agreements with other suppliers for the same type of services at any time, as deemed necessary.

Plan International Lebanon will exercise its rights to enter into a formal one-year contract (renewable) with the supplier, issuing consequent supplies for the same or similar items within the one-year period across its various projects in Lebanon.

If you believe that your company can meet our specified requirements and would like to be considered as a potential supplier, please complete and return Annex 1 – “Confirmation of Intention to Tender” as soon as possible. Following that, submit all the required documents listed in Annexes A, B, C

This tender dossier has been issued solely for the purpose of obtaining offers for the supply of goods or services based on the specifications contained within this document and its annexes. Plan International reserves the right not to enter into or award a contract as a result of this invitation to tender.

Any attempt by the tenderer to obtain confidential information, engage in unlawful agreements with competitors, or influence the evaluation committee or Plan International during the process of examining, clarifying, evaluating, and comparing tenders will result in the rejection of their offers and may lead to the termination of any current contract where applicable.

Bids will be assessed by a procurement panel against set criteria, including bid eligibility, the extent to which the requirements have been met, and the overall value-for-money proposition. Bids should include detailed information on the technical requirements for each category. feel free to attach additional information regarding your product offerings.


Proposed Timeline



Deadline Date

Launch of Tender

October 14, 2024

Deadline for Submission of Offers

November 13, 2024

Engagement of Vendor and Signing of Contract

End of November 2024



Expected Deliverables 

  • Obtain a cash disbursement mechanism that has been proven functional in Lebanon.
  • Print cards (or any suitable alternative) to be distributed to beneficiaries upon their selection.
  • Share a monthly list of the beneficiaries who received cash transfers, along with a soft copy of the cash transfer receipts.
  • Ensure the ability to distribute the cards to beneficiaries securely, providing proof of distribution (preferred).
  • Implement an SMS system to inform beneficiaries about the upload of assistance.
  • Provide Plan International Lebanon with constant updates on beneficiaries’ withdrawals.
  • Facilitate one-time distributions as well as multiple uploads of assistance.
  • Offer cash assistance in both LBP and USD, as per project agreements with Plan International Lebanon.
  • Provide a fee list for each amount.
  • Ensure that the operating language with recipients is Arabic.
  • In case of blacklisted beneficiaries during vetting process, PIL will advise the finance service provider to refrain from transferring, however to report matter to PIL without further action.
  • Note that Plan International will not be liable for any costs or expenses incurred in the preparation of the tender.



Timeframe & Location 

Exact dates and locations will be shared by Plan International Lebanon at later stages.


Submission of Offers

The offer must be sent to the address specified on page 6 It should be sent via registered post with acknowledgment of receipt or hand-delivered with a receipt signed by a Plan International representative.

Offers must be received before the deadline specified in the “Proposed Timeline” above.

All offers, as well as all correspondence and documents related to the tender, must be written in English or the native language.


All offers must be submitted in one signed original marked “Original” and one signed copy marked “Copy.” In case of discrepancies, the information in the “Original” shall prevail over the “Copy.”

All offers, including any annexes or supporting documents, must be submitted in one sealed envelope that bears only:

  1. The address;
  2. The words “Not to be opened before the tender opening session”;
  3. The name and address of the Tenderer.


Each Tenderer, or member of a consortium or subcontractor, may submit only one offer. The offer can be for one entire lot or multiple lots.


Evaluation of Offers

Plan International Inc., at its sole discretion, will select the winner of this tender.

Plan International Inc. shall be free to:

  • Accept the whole or part of any tender
  • Accept none of the submitted tenders
  • Republish this request for tenders


Plan International will not be liable for any costs or expenses incurred in the preparation of the tender.


Plan International reserves the right to keep confidential the circumstances considered for the selection of the offers. The evaluation process may include a presentation from the Tenderer and a site visit by Plan International staff.


Value for money is very important to Plan International, as every additional USD saved can be used for humanitarian and development work around the world.


Samples / Demonstrations

Providing samples and demonstrations is necessary and will contribute to the scoring process.

Tenderers should provide a receipt template, card content used by beneficiaries (if any), a map of branches/locations, modality of approvals and payments, currency options, etc.



List of documents to be submitted with the RFQ

Offers must include the following documents:




Confirmation of intention to tender

See Annex A





Tenderer’s Declaration

Completed “Tenderer’s Declaration” document. The Tenderer signs to show that they have fully understood and accepted the tender document.

See Annex C

Contact details of three referees

By contacting the referees, Plan International can assure the competency of the Tenderer. Include type of contract, period of performance, company name, contact name, telephone number, and email.


Bid details

The Tenderer must send the quotation in hard copy


Bid should reflect the fees list for each amount and the time frame needed, if applicable.


List of the Tenderer’s main customers, including any Non-Governmental Organizations. The Tenderer assures Plan International of its experience in the sector.


Audited accounts for the last two years or other documentation to prove financial viability

The Tenderer demonstrates it has the resources to perform the contractual obligation. This should include both the Profit and Loss account and the Tenderer’s balance sheet.


Other Company Documents

Evidence of corporate identity:
1. Certificate of registration for VAT (شهادة تسجيل في الضريبة على القيمة المضافة)
2. Company registration certificate (شهادة تسجيل شركة)
3. Commercial registration (إذاعة تجاريه)
4. Owner, CEO, or GM passport/I.D. copy.
5. License of international payment processors, as issuer and acquirer, to provide financial services.


Company profile

The Tenderer provides information on its structure to give Plan International proper and complete information.


Management of Contract Proposal + Reporting

The Tenderer should provide information on how they would manage the Plan International contract and advise on the type of management reports Plan International could expect.


  • Plan has the right to disqualify any quotation that does not comply with the above requirements (both soft and hard copy).



Payment Terms 


Plan International Lebanon will sign a Long-Term Agreement with the selected service provider for one year, which is renewable. This agreement will outline the cost of services, the different services available, details of transactions and payment options, the currency of payments, and any supporting documents.


Note: Payments including service fees will be made via international bank wire transfer from Plan International’s side.



Plan International reserves the right to alter the schedule for tender and contract awarding.


Plan International reserves the right to cancel this tender process at any time and not to award any contract.


Plan International reserves the right not to enter into or award a contract as a result of this invitation to tender.


Plan International does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.


Plan International shall not be liable for any costs incurred by the Tenderer in the preparation of the offer or any associated work effort, including the production of presentation materials, brochures, product specifications, or manuals for evaluation.






Selection Criteria


The minimum selection criteria to be used in the evaluation of proposals include, but are not limited to, the following:





Completion of RFP, financial viability, clearly presented and answered


Company Profile & Requirements

Ability to showcase capacity and capability to carry out the project
Adherence to project timelines
Ability to deliver as per expectations


Service Requirements

Template used as documentation of the full process (beneficiary cards, receipts, reports, etc.)


Commercial Proposal

Total cost of the proposal



These criteria are not in any particular order nor do they necessarily carry equal weight. The exact criteria for selection will not be published to suppliers.


Annex Contents List

  • Annex A: Confirmation of intention to tender and receipt of copy documents (All suppliers to complete)
  • Annex B: Supplier Questionnaire
  • Annex C : - Technical Questions
  • Annex D: Tenderer’s Declaration (All suppliers to complete)

Plan International’s Principles  


The service provider must ensure compliance to Plan International’s Non-Staff Code of Conduct and attend a safeguarding session with Plan Lebanon safeguarding specialist. Plan's Anti-Fraud, Anti-Bribery and Corruption Global Policy and Plan's Safeguarding Children and Young People Global Policy should be reviewed and signed by the service provider on the date of signature of the contract. 




Invited companies must ensure that their offer is complete and meets Plan International’s requirements. Failure to comply may lead to the offer being rejected. Please therefore ensure that you read this document carefully and answer fully all questions asked. 


If you have any queries in relation to your submission, or to any requirements of this tender, please contact us on the address provided on the first page of this RFQ document.   


Thank you for your quotation.


How to apply

How to Apply

Suppliers should send the documents listed above in a sealed envelope to: Plan International Lebanon office
Address: Shibli Bldg (known as Bank Audi building), 2nd  Floor, Independence Street, near El Saydeh Church, Ashrafiyeh, Beirut, Lebanon

Deadline for Submission of Offers: November 14, 2024, between 10 AM - 4 PM.

In addition to the above, suppliers should send a confirmation email to [email protected] & [email protected]


Wednesday, 13. Nov 2024
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):
Displaced Population, Human Rights & Protection, Refugees