Consultancy on Market Assessment - Regional Development and Protection Program - Plan International

About the commissioning office

 Plan International Lebanon (PIL) has had an operational office in Beirut since 2017 and received its registration in October 2019. Across the country, we work in partnership with local, national, and international organizations to strengthen capacities and address the needs of Lebanese and refugee children in Lebanon. With a focus on adolescent girls and young women, PIL implements projects in the sectors of child protection (CP) and Gender-based violence (GBV), Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), Education, Youth economic empowerment, and participation. The organization also promotes gender equality by addressing the root causes of discrimination against girls and young women.

2. Background/Context

Lebanon is currently facing a complex crisis encompassing economic, political, and humanitarian dimensions, profoundly impacting its society and stability. With a significant influx of refugees, the country is experiencing heightened poverty rates, particularly among vulnerable populations. The youth, in particular, face many challenges including limited education, employable skills, and job opportunities, leading to a high unemployment rate. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), crucial for the country's economy, are also struggling due to decreased sales and limited access to financing. To address these issues, the proposed project by Al Majmoua and PIL aims to empower vulnerable youth and strengthen SMEs through a multifaceted approach. This includes providing livelihood opportunities, capacity building for local actors, and enhancing institutional capabilities. Tailored interventions will be based on thorough market assessments and consultations with stakeholders, with a focus on promoting gender equality and decent working conditions. Additionally, measures will be taken to mitigate conflict risks by engaging key stakeholders and implementing clear selection criteria and feedback mechanisms.

The intervention aims to address durable solutions in line with RDPP’s priorities, focusing on livelihood support and gender equality. It prioritizes creating sustainable job opportunities for youth and ensuring SME continuity, aligning with RDPP's goals. Additionally, the project integrates elements to promote women's economic empowerment, gender equality, advocacy for policy change, and localization. It aligns with national, regional, and global response plans, including the new  Lebanon  Response Plan (LRP) and European donors' priorities. Adopting a Humanitarian Development Peace (HDP) nexus approach, the project will coordinate with local authorities and stakeholders to address root causes of conflict and displacement. It will collaborate with refugee-led and community-based organizations, ensuring flexibility and adaptability to optimize outcomes. The intervention follows a socio-ecological model for sustainable development and a gender-transformative approach to address discriminatory norms and empower women economically and socially

3.  Description & Objectives


As part of the regional development and protection program under the DAEM project funded by Danish MoFa, Plan Lebanon and Al Majmoua aims to conduct a market assessment in Central Beqaa and Saida, involve collecting quantitative and qualitative data on various aspects such as market trends, consumer preferences, supply and demand patterns, competition, and the potential for growth in specific areas of Central Bekaa and Saida. Given the focus on green investment, the market assessment will also emphasize sectors relevant to the green transition. This information will be invaluable in identifying sectors with high growth potential and ample opportunities for job creation. By aligning efforts with identified market opportunities, the project can maximize job creation, particularly by directing resources towards SMEs operating in these sectors. Consultations with private sector actors will aid in identifying skill gaps in the market, informing the type of vocational/technical training to be offered to young participants.


The methodology employed in this market assessment will encompass a multi-faceted approach to ensure comprehensive data collection and analysis. It will involve a combination of desk research, qualitative interviews, and focus group discussions to gather insights from various stakeholders. Qualitative data collection through key informant interviews and focus group discussions will allow for in-depth exploration of market dynamics, including identifying gaps, opportunities, and challenges. The tools developed in collaboration with the PIL technical team will ensure structured data collection, while triangulation of data from multiple sources will enhance the reliability and validity of findings. Regular consultation with project stakeholders, including PIL and Al Majmouaa, will ensure alignment with project objectives and facilitate the integration of findings into programmatic interventions.

Task 1: Review and Validate Market Assessment Material

PIL will coordinate the initiation of this task by providing access to pertinent secondary data, program documents, and outputs. PIL will facilitate the exchange of information to ensure alignment with project objectives.

Task 2: Conduct Analysis of Identified Sub-Sectors

a. Conduct a comprehensive mapping of market access gaps and opportunities for businesses and labor sectors/sub-sectors in Central Bekaa and Saida. This mapping will consider available labor options for both the refugee and host populations, focusing on sectors identified in the rapid market assessment. It will also explore potential self-employment opportunities for vulnerable communities.

b. Provide a detailed listing of beginner/entry-level job opportunities or small/micro business opportunities within the market system. This listing should estimate demand volume for each opportunity in the near and medium term (1-2 years, 3-5 years) and include job-specific information such as roles, required skills, minimum qualifications, income potential, employment protocols, career progression, and qualitative risks.

c. Describe hiring practices of major employers, particularly potential strategic partners, including recruitment processes, costs, and challenges faced.

d. Map the skills training ecosystem for sector needs, focusing on suitable training opportunities for refugees. This includes identifying sources of relevant content, assessing existing training capacity, and evaluating the quantity and quality of available training resources.

e. Conduct a cost-benefit analysis to determine the seed capital required to start a business in specific sub-sectors.

3: Design and Edit Market Assessment Study

Activities and Work Plan:

The consultant will undertake the following activities, subject to further refinements based on recommendations:

  1. Desk Research and Refinement of Market Assessment Plan:
    • Conduct desk research to gain preliminary sector understanding and identify key stakeholders for fieldwork.
    • Identify existing labor market assessments in project areas and gather data on sector size and growth rates.
  2. Tool Development and Planning for Field Study:
    • Collaborate with PIL technical team to develop questionnaires, checklists, and other tools for data collection.
  3. Field Study:
    • Conduct key informant interviews (KIIs) and focus group discussions (FGDs)  to gather qualitative data.
    • Supplement qualitative data with quantitative data collection in project areas if needed.
  4. Analysis and Reporting:
    • Consolidate and analyze field study outputs
    • Present key findings and recommendations in a final report with desk research references, KII/FGD details, and original data.
    •  Prepare presentation slides for the final workshop.
    • Organize workshops to present analysis and findings to PIL

Ethical Considerations

Plan International is committed to ensuring that the rights of those participating in data collection or analysis are respected and protected, by Plan International Framework for Ethical MER and our Global Policy on Safeguarding Children and Young People. All applicants should include details in their proposal on how they will ensure ethics and child safeguarding in the data collection process. Specifically, the consultant or firm shall explain how appropriate, safe, and non-discriminatory participation of all stakeholders will be ensured and how special attention will be paid to the needs of children and other vulnerable groups. The consultant or firm shall also explain how the confidentiality and anonymity of participants will be guaranteed.

Additionally, all parties involved in the data collection will receive an induction on Plan International’s Child Safeguarding policy, Gender and Inclusion policy, CP/GBV safe identification and referral pathways, and Non-Staff Code of Conduct.


The findings of the Market assessment will be shared eby PIL with partner and donor and disseminated in community meetings, and the form of reports shared through PIL’s global network.

4.  Deliverables and Timeline  

Key Deliverables

  1. Inception Report:

Provides a detailed overview of the methodology, including data collection approaches and tools.

Outlines recommendations for adjustments to planned activities based on initial review and validation of market assessment material. Establishes a timeline for all deliverables and activities, ensuring alignment with project objectives and logistical feasibility

  1. Comprehensive Market Assessment Report:

Provides a comprehensive narrative of the market assessment process, including methodology, data sources, and analysis. Presents findings from desk research, qualitative interviews, and focus group discussions.

Includes a detailed mapping of market access gaps and opportunities for businesses and labor sectors/sub-sectors in Central Bekaa and Saida.Provides a listing of beginner/entry-level job opportunities or small/micro business opportunities, along with estimates of demand volume and job-specific information.

Describes hiring practices of major employers, including recruitment processes, costs, and challenges.

Maps the skills training ecosystem for sector needs, with a focus on suitable training opportunities for refugees.

Conducts a cost-benefit analysis to determine the seed capital required to start a business in specific sub-sectors.

  1. Final Workshop Presentation:

Summarizes key findings and recommendations from the market assessment.

Facilitates discussion and feedback from stakeholders, to inform programmatic interventions.

Ensures dissemination of results and promotes stakeholder engagement and buy-in for implementation of identified strategies.


 Week 1: Inception Phase

Review existing material and validation of market assessment.

Consultation with PIL to establish project objectives, refine methodology, and agree on deliverables and timelines.

Development of inception report outlining methodology, data collection approaches, and proposed adjustments to planned activities.

Week 1-2: Tool Development and Planning

Collaborate with PIL technical team to develop questionnaires, checklists, and other data collection tools.

Finalize tools based on feedback from stakeholders and ensure alignment with project objectives.

Week 3-4: Field Study

Conduct key informant interviews (KIIs) and focus group discussions (FGDs) with relevant stakeholders in Central Bekaa and Saida.

Gather qualitative data on market dynamics, including market access gaps, job opportunities, major employers, and skills training ecosystem.

Supplement qualitative data with quantitative data collection, if necessary, to enhance understanding of market trends and dynamics.

Week 4: Data Analysis

Consolidate and analyze outputs of the field study.

Synthesize findings to identify key insights, trends, and opportunities.

Conduct cost-benefit analysis to determine seed capital requirements for starting businesses in specific sub-sectors.

Week 4-5: Reporting and Presentation

Prepare comprehensive market assessment report documenting findings, analysis, and recommendations.

Develop presentation slides summarizing key findings and recommendations for final workshop.

Present findings and recommendations to PIL, Save the Children, and other stakeholders during the final workshop.

Week 5-6: Finalization and Dissemination

Incorporate feedback from stakeholders into the final market assessment report.

Ensure dissemination of final report and presentation slides to relevant stakeholders, including PIL, Save the Children, and other implementing partners.

Closeout activities and handover of deliverables to PIL for further action and implementation planning.

5.  Budget

Due to the Procurement process and regulations, it is not possible to share the actual budget, however, include as much detail as possible in the timeline and deliverables – where possible including the estimated number of days.

Travel costs, insurance, and other expenses must be covered by the consultant.

Withholding taxes are applicable in the event where the consultant fails to provide Plan International with an invoice including the Ministry of Finance number (MOF) related to the profession documented with copy of the MOF certificate. The Service provider shall apply the withholding tax at applicable rates pursuant to the Lebanese Laws and Regulations

6. Expected qualifications of Consultant

The Consultant/Consulting firm should have the following competencies and qualifications:

Required competencies

The successful candidate will have the following required qualifications:

  • Minimum of 5 years of professional experience providing market assessments.
  • Leading edge creativity in market-based livelihood solutions to low-income or otherwise vulnerable communities
  • Demonstrable experience in development, design, and facilitation of needed assessment tools of FGDs and KII.
  • Demonstrable knowledge and experience in working with NGOs, including excellence in monitoring and reporting
  • Experience with promoting participatory monitoring and evaluation techniques is highly desirable
  • Strong written and oral communication skills, with demonstrated ability of making effective presentations to socially and economically diverse attendees; fluency in both English and Arabic
  • Clear understanding of the political, geographical and economic dynamics of Baalbek and Akkar areas

Roles and Responsibilities

The consultant will be responsible for leading the exercise in terms of the development of methodology and tools, organizing data collection, analysis, and report writing. Throughout the process, the Plan Lebanon team will provide technical guidelines and review deliverables. A more detailed division of roles will be communicated upon the initiation of the assessment.

7. Contact 

Should you need further information, please contact [email protected] before 19th of March 2024 in order to answer your questions and be able to submit a proposal by March 20th 12pm.

8. List of documents to be submitted with the Request for Proposal (RFP)

  • Detailed response to the RFP/ToR - please refer and download the TOR on the right.
  • Proposed methodology
  • If applicable include any specific IT equipment, tools, or materials that the Consultant will need to use/have to carry out the work
  • Ethics and child safeguarding approach, including any identified risks and associated mitigation strategies
  • Proposed timelines
  • CVs
  • Example of previous work
  • Reference
  • Detailed budget, including daily fee rates, expenses, etc.

All consultants/applicants are required to agree and adhere to Plan International’s Non-Staff Code of Conduct (Annex)

9. Evaluation of offers

Shortlisted suppliers will be invited to discuss their proposals in more detail at Plan’s discretion with Plan Lebanon technical team through a 1 hour interview between 25th and 26th of March.

Plan International, at its sole discretion, will select the successful supplier.

Plan International shall be free to:

  • Accept the whole, or part only, of any submission
  • Accept none of the proposals
  • Republish this Request for Quotations

Plan International reserves the right to keep confidential the circumstances that have been considered for the selection of the offers.

Value for money is very important to Plan International, as every additional £ saved is money that we can use on our humanitarian and development work throughout the world.

10. Contract & Payment terms

Please note that, if successful, Plan International’s standard terms of payment are 30 days after the end of the month of receipt of the invoice, or after acceptance of the Goods/Services/Works, if later.

(Include Consultants Contract Terms and Conditions) – Annex

11. Plan International’s Ethical & Environmental Statement

The supplier should establish environmental standards and good practices that follow the principles of ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems, and in particular to ensure compliance with environmental legislation.

Selection Criteria

Consultants are selected based on a competitive process, and selection is subject to an evaluation and comparison of the interview , technical and financial proposals.  

How to apply

 Submission of offers

Please send your proposal, as one PDF document with the above-mentioned documents, to Plan International Lebanon ([email protected]) by Wednesday March 20th 2024 by 12pm sharp, referencing “Consultant Name - RDPP Market Assessment”.

Wednesday, 20. Mar 2024
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Advocacy & Awareness, Business & Economic Policy, Development, Research & Studies, Social & Cultural Development
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
2 - 3 Months