Terms of References

Gender Expert



Oxfam supports Lebanon’s Feminist Civil Society platform, an initiative coordinated by UNWOMEN in Lebanon and involving 49 feminist civil society actors and activists.

Lebanon’s Feminist Civil Society Platform -the Feminist Platform- is a national forum for civil society organizations and individuals that aims to promote intersectional feminism and to influence the agenda on women’s rights and gender equality in Lebanon. The Feminist Platform brings together non-governmental and Community-Based organizations, academic institutions, grassroot groups, networks or coalitions of organizations, and gender and women rights activists, researchers, and academics, who work on and advocate for an equal representation, protection, and participation of women in all their diversity in all spheres of life. Capitalizing on the collective experiences of its members and their broad range of expertise and focus areas and on the support of UN Women in Lebanon, the Feminist Platform seeks to contribute to a stronger voice for women and women’s rights groups, through a combination of approaches, such as advocacy and lobbying; cooperation and coordination; research, assessment, and data; and monitoring and accountability.

The Platform aims to:


  • Provide a space for dialogue between feminist and gender equality actors, where members can freely and actively debate timely and important issues of relevance to women in all their diversity.
  • Increase and enhance cooperation between feminist actors in Lebanon and thereby develop a unified feminist discourse and demands and enable more effective campaigns and reforms at the national level.
  • Advocate for diversity, intersectionality and inclusion in all decision-making processes, policies, plans and strategies, including in disaster response management, humanitarian assistance and recovery reforms.
  • Advocate for and monitor the development and implementation of gender responsive policies and laws and for the effective representation, protection, and participation of women in society at all levels and in spheres.
  • Influence the agenda, priorities and funding policies of international and national institutions and donors in relation to women’s rights and gender equality in Lebanon.
  • Influence, participate in and monitor the response to the Beirut Blast as well as Lebanon’s reform, recovery & reconstruction efforts.
  • Support national CSOs and individuals to strengthen their capacities and engagement capabilities in relation to women’s rights and gender equality in Lebanon, thus ensuring an amplification of the efforts of feminist civil society actors.



OXFAM is seeking a consultant to collect data, conduct a situation analysis, and produce a Gender Brief including recommendations based on the findings of the analysis. The aim is to analysis from gender lens the rise in the recent crimes against women and girls (Femicides) and recommend possible tactical points of actions.

The consultant should collect and desegregate data (primary and secondary data collection) from specific resources agreed upon with the feminist platform and analyze trends for period 2019-2023  and the consultant should also look more in depth into the recent family crimes since 2019 onwards and identify its gender relevance and implications on different genders.





Produce an inception report that highlights the methodology, sources of data and the questionnaire to be used

  1. Inception report


Connect to the platform members in coordination with Oxfam and UN Women to present the inception report and collect data, evidence, and reports related to cases of violence and abuse

  1. Meetings with the platform members

Collection of secondary data, reports, and resources


Conduct series of 15 KIIs with relevant stakeholders (including the FP members and other women Rights organizations, GBV actors, ISF, MOJ, MoI, NCLW etc.)   

    1. 15 KIIs.
    2. Inception report


Conduct a situation analysis through triangulating data from different sources, including existing literature, shared resources from involved actors, and primary qualitative data collected through consultations with the platform 


    1. Literature review
    2. Analysis of collected data
    3. Identification of findings and trends


Organize online and/or offline validation sessions with the feminist platform to verify and validate the analysis findings and trends, and collaboratively generate recommendations in a participatory manner


    1. Online and offline validation sessions
    2. Recommendations based on the findings


Produce the Gender Brief including findings and recommendations

Final Gender Brief (number of review rounds depends on the quality of the report)


Total working days


35 Days


Selected consultant(s)/Consultancy firm should start the work on September 21st and run it until October 30th, 2023. Expected total number of working days is 35.


Required Qualifications


  • Specialization in one or multiple areas related to protection, GBV, rule of law, gender equality, human, gender rights, and women’s issues especially in Lebanon ;
  • Knowledge on women’s rights agenda and gender equality related legal and policy framework;
  • Masters’ Degree (or equivalent degree/experience) in Gender, human rights, social sciences, development, law or a related field;
  • Demonstrated ability to deliver high quality written articles ;
  • Strong capacity in data management and analysis;
  • Excellent interpersonal, organizational, and time-management skills
  • Excellent communications skills in English and Arabic, including advanced English writing skills
  • Demonstrated ability to work in a multi-cultural environment and ability to establish good and effective relationships with national and grass partners.


Expression of Interest (EOI)

Interested consultants should submit their:

  • CV or an overview of the consultancy firm with updated CVs of consultants and role of each under the scope of this assignment for firms
  • A brief proposal which includes a detailed methodology and a workplan for the articles writing
  • At least one sample of previous articles, prepared and delivered by the consultant
  • Quotation including consultancy fees and all associated estimated costs such as logistics and communication costs.
  • Minimum of three references of similar activities implemented, preferably INGO or local NGO experiences.
  • Registration and official government documents, if applicable. Noting that 7.5% will be deducted from the total amount if not registered.


Oxfam International in Lebanon reserves the right to reject any and all bids, including the Bidding processes, or not to award the contract at any time, without thereby incurring and liability to the affected Bidders.


Please submit the full application documents (as mentioned above) to [email protected]

 by midnight on September 24th, 2023, mentioning “WVL – Gender Brief” in the Subject line.


How to apply

Interested consultants should submit their:

  • CV or an overview of the consultancy firm with updated CVs of consultants and role of each under the scope of this assignment for firms
  • A brief proposal which includes a detailed methodology and a workplan for the articles writing
  • At least one sample of previous articles, prepared and delivered by the consultant
  • Quotation including consultancy fees and all associated estimated costs such as logistics and communication costs.
  • Minimum of three references of similar activities implemented, preferably INGO or local NGO experiences.
  • Registration and official government documents, if applicable. Noting that 7.5% will be deducted from the total amount if not registered.


Oxfam International in Lebanon reserves the right to reject any and all bids, including the Bidding processes, or not to award the contract at any time, without thereby incurring and liability to the affected Bidders.


Please submit the full application documents (as mentioned above) to [email protected]

 by midnight on September 24th, 2023, mentioning “WVL – Gender Brief” in the Subject line

Sunday, 24. Sep 2023
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Advocacy & Awareness, Gender issues
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
Detailed timeline per deliverable to be agreed upon with the consultant.