Request for Proposals (RFP)


Requesting Organization:  Lutheran World Relief (LWR)


Amount:                                 Approximately $75,000-$150,000 (United States Dollar)


Implementation Period:      February 01, 2019- January 31, 2020  


Location:                               Lebanon  


Eligible Applicants:              Local Lebanon-based NGO/CSO


1. Background and Context

Lutheran World Relief (LWR), a 501(c)(3) non-governmental organization founded in 1945 and headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, today works around the world to end poverty, injustice and human suffering. LWR focuses its work on emergency relief and sustainable agricultural development assistance to lay a foundation for food security, resilience, climate adaptation, and strengthening value chains. LWR is a signatory to the International Red Cross/Red Crescent Code of Conduct, which states that “Aid will not be used to further a particular political or religious viewpoint.” LWR does not proselytize and responds to identified needs among vulnerable populations regardless of religious or other affiliation.


LWR receives it funding from individual donors, Lutheran church bodies, the European Union, U.S Department of Agriculture, U.S. Department of State, UNHCR, WFP, FAO, and foundation donors, such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Ford Foundation and Margaret A. Cargill Foundation. As evidenced by its diverse donor base, LWR’s programmatic approaches promote collaboration with a broad cross-section of public and private institutions to achieve shared impact. In fiscal year 2017, LWR worked with 101 local partners on 131 projects to reach more than 3 million people in 32 countries. 


In more recent years, LWR has responded to some of the world’s most complex  humanitarian crises including the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami in Indonesia, India, and Sri Lanka; the 2010 Haiti Earthquake; refugee emergency in Mauritania in 2012; drought and food shortage crisis in West Africa’s Sahel region in 2012;  crises in South Sudan; refugee camps in Kenya;  Philippines Super Typhoon Haiyan in 2013; and the 2015 earthquakes in Nepal.


LWR began its engagement with the Middle East in the late 1940s responding to the needs of Palestinian refugees. Since then, LWR has served disaster and conflict-affected communities throughout the region.  LWR is presently focusing its resources and efforts on responding to the needs of refugees and internally displaced people (IDPs) fleeing the ongoing conflicts in Syria, and Iraq as well as the needs of the host communities receiving them.


2. Total Funding Available

LWR anticipates awarding one or two grants to local Lebanon-based NGO/CSO with a budget range between $75,000-$150,000.  Organizations may only submit one proposal per organization. 


3. Scope of Work

LWR requests proposals from interested organizations to fund a project that supports Syrian and/or Iraqi refugees and their Lebanese host communities. These grants are part of LWR’s broader response to the current crisis.  LWR is interested in working with Lebanese local NGO partners who want to collaborate on the project design and implementation and are open to capacity building and technical support from LWR. We are seeking to build a long-term partnership with local organizations and expand our understanding of the local context through this project and actively engage ourselves with international efforts to respond the Middle East crisis. 


Our recommended program sector areas for proposals include:

  • Livelihoods and job creation including working in Agriculture, Livestock and Small-Medium Enterprise (SME) such as dairy
  • Protection (including elderly, child protection, GBV where there is a critical gap)
  • Social cohesion


    • Your program design should demonstrate how this project will build toward sustainable results and transportable skills,
    • The proposed program should be based on a thorough understanding of situation and the beneficiaries are part of project design,
    • Also need to demonstrate market linkage and a clear understanding of the market dynamics for SME and/or value chain projects
    • Psychosocial support can be integrated into any of the above
    • ICT to improve the living conditions of refugees and host communities



Geographic Focus:  Open to anywhere in Lebanon, but proposals will be evaluated based on need and clearly identifying a gap where other development actors are not present.

Target Population: Can include host communities, Syrian refugees, and Iraqi refugees. Should be based on makeup of local population, needs assessment of vulnerable households, and consider social cohesion (i.e. not focusing too heavily on any one population to the exclusion of another).  Project designs must be gender integrated and must describe how they will identify and address the differing constraints which women and men (or girls and boys) face in order to make the changes or achieve the impact sought by the project. Projects should prioritize, and measure, that all participants have equitable access to participation and benefits offered by the project.


Additional considerations:


  • Must be able to mobilize beneficiaries, community organizations and private companies as well as public sector.
  • Encourages cost share from applicants and contributions from private and public sectors to leverage the program impact.  
  • Must demonstrate coordination with local and national coordination mechanisms  and key stakeholders such related offices  of Government of Lebanon
  • Must be integrated into overall Lebanon Crisis Response Plan (2017 – 2020), corresponding with its identified needs
  • All projects should be designed with considerations for conflict dynamics


An appropriate monitoring & evaluation system will be required to measure the performance and impact of the project over the implementation period. The respondent’s project design and M&E systems should meet LWR’s Minimum Standards.  More information will be provided to applicants selected for full proposal review.


4. Qualifications

Only local Lebanon-based NGOs and CSOs are eligible. Any organization that applies must be legally registered in the country of operation with good standing. Applicants must have strong financial management procedures, item/service procurement policies, and monitoring systems in place. Ideal applicants should have prior experience working with refugees and host communities and implementing similar program activities. Only those NGO partners with applications selected for approval, are required to complete a pre-award assessment of their financial capacity and management systems.


LWR systems require regular program and financial reporting, including indicator tracking tools for monitoring and evaluation.  A kick-off meeting will be held in-person with successful applicants to share LWR’s templates and requirements for reporting and to discuss more in-depth regarding reporting timelines and expectations, as well as capacity building support if needed.


5. Evaluation Criteria         

25%: Value for Money (budget realism, efficiency, cost share and/leveraging resources )

20%: Organizational capacity both technical, financial as well as organizational  

50%: As indicated by Scope of Work outlined in Section 3 above

5%: Sustainability Plan


6. Proposal Submission

Step 1: Submit a 10-12-page proposal following the format at this end of this Call for Proposals (submissions must be in English).

Step 2: If selected, partners will be invited to participate in a 1-2 day kick-off meeting for the grant. 


7. Timeline:

January 11, 2019:   Proposal submitted to [email protected] with subject heading “Lutheran World Relief – Lebanon Program 2019”

January 18, 2019:  Successful applicants notified  

January 21 -25, 2019:  Pre-award Assessment  

January 28 – 31, 2019:   Kick-off meeting and grant agreement

February 01, 2019: Project implementation begins

How to apply

Proposal submitted to [email protected] with subject heading “Lutheran World Relief – Lebanon Program 2019”

Friday, 11. Jan 2019
Type of Call
Call for Proposals
Intervention Sector(s):
Agriculture, Human Rights & Protection, Labor & Livelihoods, Refugees, Social & Cultural Development