Study on financial benefits of sustainable agriculture.

Background and objectives of the project

The purpose of this project is to respond to the rapidly deteriorating food security situation of vulnerable people in Lebanon.

80% of the food consumed in Lebanon is being imported. As a consequence of hyper-inflation, food prices hiked by 350% in the period of under one year. Farmers have depended on imported inputs such as fertilizer, synthetic pesticides, seeds and animal feed. Without access to credit, many farmers are giving up on cultivating food for the market.

Over recent years, initiatives mostly developed by young professional people have sprung up, focusing on developing and practicing agriculture in rural Lebanon that has a reduced dependency on imported inputs while selling “organic” produce directly in urban markets, mostly to higher income households. A parallel development can be observed in rural areas: families go back to farming land, which they had not cultivated for a long time, fearing a growing food shortage over the coming months. And, established farmers either stopping cultivation altogether or reducing their cultivated area as they are not able to cover the costs of inputs.

We will assess input requirements (seed, fertilizer, plant protection) and discuss with communities how best to ensure a reliable access to these inputs. Some may be provided best by preparing them on the farm, or by an entrepreneur in the village. We will train technical service providers from villages to provide advice to farmers as they practice sustainable methods.

The main outcomes of the project are:

  1. Capacity building for farmers to reduce the use of chemicals and adopt sustainable farming methods.
  2. Production of healthy and nutritive food.
  3. Making accessible healthy food for everyone.

The main activities of the project are:

  1. Capacity building for farmers to reduce the use of chemicals and adopt sustainable farming methods.
  2. Provide monthly coaching activity for farmers and monitor their field practices.
  3. Create a market for sustainable farmers in Beirut and connect farmers directly to end consumers.


Scope of work

The consultant will conduct studies on the financial benefits of sustainable agriculture focusing on the following criteria’s:

  • Development of generic business models for farms of:
  1. Different land sizes.
  2. Different crops (Examples: apples, cherries, tomato, cucumber, eggplant…)
  3. Different areas (Examples: Chouf, Alley, Baabda, Akkar, Saadnayel, Taalabaya).
  4. Different sales methodology (farm gate, local market, wholesale)
  • Application of those business models to different farming models, mainly split between:
  1. Conventional farming (using hybrid seeds, chemical fertilizers, chemical pesticides)
  2. Sustainable/organic farming (using heirloom seeds, organic/natural fertilizers, DIY pesticides, traps, relying on natural predators…)
  • The consultant should be able to give the following end results, for the various combinations of situations:
    • Possibility to cover operations (or not)
    • Return on investment duration
  • The consultant will write a report that will include the above mentioned results and comments on the following aspects:
    • Case of a farm that would be switching from a conventional model to sustainable farming.
    • Financial sustainability profitability of the sustainable farming model.


Outputs / Deliverables

  • Develop an approach in the design of the study including methodology, sampling and data collection tools.
  • Develop tools and an appropriate methodology for primary data collection.
  • Present draft report for review and input.
  • Develop the final report including generic models, comparison between models and return of investment and recommendations


Qualifications of consultant

  • Proven ability to develop business models
  • Knowledge of the agricultural situation in Lebanon.
  • Strong analytical and researching skills.
  • Report writing skills.

How to apply

For applying, please send us:

-A workplan proposal, including methodology, number of days and deliverables

-A financial offer

-Your CV

to [email protected] 

Note: the budget range given is not accurate, we expect a detailed budget suggested by the consultant with a proper justification

Monday, 12. Apr 2021
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Agriculture, Business & Economic Policy
Remuneration range:
4000 to 5000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
2 month