Call for proposals for small grants for development- Environment 2020-2021

The Embassy of Switzerland launches a call for proposal for small grants for development which are an instrument that allows fast response with a limited one-time funding. They support the launch of small local initiatives focused on providing solutions to acute environmental issues.

In the Lebanese context of an active Civil Society with little means and limited resources, the Embassy of Switzerland in Lebanon would like to contribute to small initiatives with a positive environmental impact: pollution of air and water, waste management, biodiversity and preservation of green spaces etc.

The Embassy of Switzerland in Lebanon employs the small-action budget for such projects following a “bottom-up” approach by organizations that take upon themselves the task of increasing the awareness on environment matters. The Embassy of Switzerland provides these organization with “seed money” that allows them to later receive funding by big donors. 

Budget: USD 20’000.

Duration: Maximum 11 months plus one reporting month, starting in September 2020.

Projects are chosen according to the following criteria:

  • Self-assistance: encouraging own contributions and promoting local efforts.
  • Sustainability: ensuring long term results and avoid dependency.
  • Institution Strengthening: promoting existing institutions and avoiding the establishment of new structures.  
  • Innovation: generating momentum, supporting innovative ideas.
  • Suitability: supporting specific local solutions and appropriate technologies.
  • Subsidiarity: our support is subsidiary to the services provided by the entity.
  • Relevance for the target group and result: project managers will demonstrate who benefits from the project, to what extent and in what way.
  • Competence: project managers must have the organizational skills and required capacities to carry out the project.
  • Simplicity: simple and clearly delimited actions whose verification and impact are verifiable.
  • One-shot: unique support contributions to events or processes, which are supported and carried out by organizations.

The NGO or association must be able to show credibly that it is well-managed to successfully accomplish the proposed project. Criteria to this effect include the quality of the proposal, such as:

  • Sound context analysis that show the rationale for the intervention.
  • Definition of clear results and objectives.
  • Clear implementation strategy.
  • Communication and media outreach, dissemination of results and achievements if applicable.
  • Sustainability of intervention.
  • Realistic work-plan.
  • Cost-efficiency.


Exempted from financial support through this call for proposal are activities such as: 

• Projects of organizations already partners of a program with the Embassy of Switzerland and the Swiss agency for development and cooperation (SDC).
• For-profit business projects
• Projects with religious objectives
• Exclusive supply of materials (incl. vehicles)
• Contributions benefiting individuals
• Scholarships for study stays in Switzerland or study trips to Switzerland
• Consultative missions of foreign experts
• Charitable activities (fund raising events, sponsorship)

    How to apply

    Implementation of call for proposals:

    The publication of the invitation to submit Project Proposal is on 6 July, 2020. Interested organisations have to submit their documents by 6 August, 2020 by addressing them to .The Embassy’s selection committee will likely select 2 project proposals based on the criteria above to proceed to the next step. Unsuccessful applicants will be notified.

    Attached documents (to be submitted for application):

    • Project Proposal template (max. 2 pages)
    • Budget template ( a different version showing costs, revenues, balance and other donors’ contribution is acceptable)
    Thursday, 06. Aug 2020
    Type of Call
    Call for Proposals
    Intervention Sector(s):