Final Evaluation, End line and Learning (FEEL) Consultancy for MADAD

In December 2014, the European Commission launched the “EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian
crisis” (known as the “MADAD” Trust Fund) as a joint European response to the Syrian crisis and the pressure
it places on Syria’s neighboursFunded under the EU Trust Fund, the Red Cross/Red Crescent (RC/RC) Action
"Addressing vulnerabilities of refugees and host communities in five countries affected by the Syria Crisis"
provides a coherent, regional and coordinated response to the crisis following the Syria conflict with activities
in Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq and Turkey. Danish Red Cross has been overall responsible for all program
coordination and are now seeking through a consultancy to do the Final Evaluation, End Line and Learning

Consultancy to perform the Final Evaluation, End line and Learning (FEEL) to:
i. Evaluate the impact of the program, including its contribution to social cohesion in conflict affected
communities, and identify whether and how changes in social cohesion may have occurred.
ii. Measure the changes at objective level and map how these have occurred in the five countries.
iii. Harmonise and align the measurement of indicator 3.2 in all countries (RC/RC Host National Societies staff
and volunteers who reported improved competence and confidence in reaching out to most vulnerable groups).

Deadline and details on the bid
We expect bidders to deliver the following:
- A technical proposal demonstrating the understanding of the TOR, an outline the phases, an outline of the
suggested sampling method and methodologies as well as a tentative time frame for the exercise.
- An estimated total budget of the proposal incl. number of days price of any data programmes needed to
conduct online surveys etc.
- CVs of the consultant(s).

List and brief description of selection criteria:
Proposals will be assessed against the following criteria (not in prioritized order):
- Prior work experience in field related to at least one of the programme's objectives.
- Prior experience in undertaking regional and/or cross country studies (quantitative or qualitative).
- Previous experience in the MENA region and/or Turkey.
- Language skills in Arabic and Turkish.
- Experience working in humanitarian or international development programming.
- Long-standing and proven experience with M&E, Results Based Management, Logframes and associatedtools.
- Solid methodological and research skills.
- Demonstrated experience coordinating and working with partners.
- Experience in RCRC.
- Understanding of the ToR.
- Understanding of working with the RC/RC team.
- Ability to span over learning and evaluation.
- Sampling method, Methodology and Tools
- Budget/cost.
- Timing.
- Further criteria may be added.

Deadline for the bids is 13th February 2020 at 12.00 CET either by electronic mail to [email protected] or by courier services to Tina Breum Mariegaard, Blegdamsvej 27, 2100 Copenhagen OE, Denmark.

Any proposals received later than this will not be considered.

How to apply

If you are considering to prepare a bid to this process, please contact Tina Breum Mariegaard at
[email protected] or +45 21 77 09 31 in order to obtain terms of reference for the exercise, logical framework
of the Action and dashboard with status figures as per Q3 2019 (most recent figures). You may also contact Tina
Breum Mariegaard if you have any clarifying questions during your preparation of the bids. Please note that your
questions and the replies will be made available to all candidates.

Thursday, 13. Feb 2020
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):