Context & Background

The mentoring program is a crucial component of the overall support initiative for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). Following the provision of necessary support, whether in-kind or financial, the mentoring phase aims to guide SMEs through a structured process of development and implementation.

In the context of this initiative, SMEs will undergo a comprehensive mentoring program lasting four months, involving six mentoring sessions per SME for 40 MSMEs. This program will be facilitated by four experts, each responsible for mentoring 10 SMEs, totaling 60 sessions per expert. The primary focus of the mentoring sessions is to monitor and guide the implementation of the business plans developed during the consultancy phase. Additionally, the mentors will assess the impact of the in-kind support provided to SMEs, monitor technology, evaluate the enhancement of staff skills resulting from attended training programs.

It is crucial to emphasize the uniqueness of each SME, with distinct targets and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) outlined in their respective business plans. The mentoring program will be tailored to address the specific needs and objectives of each individual SME, ensuring a customized and effective approach.

Scope of work

  • Mentoring Sessions: Conduct six mentoring sessions per SME over a four-month period.
  • Expert Involvement: Assign four experts to mentor 10 SMEs each, leading to a total of 60 sessions per expert.
  • Implementation Monitoring: Monitor and guide the implementation of business plans developed during the consultancy phase.
  • In-Kind Support Assessment: Evaluate the impact of in-kind support received by SMEs.
  • Technological Development Monitoring: Monitor the technological advancements within SMEs, if applicable.
  • Staff Skills Evaluation: Assess the effect of training programs on the skills development of SMEs' staff.
  • Tailored Approach: Customize the mentoring program to meet the specific targets and KPIs outlined in each SME's business plan.


Mentoring Sessions Reports should include:

  • Detailed Information for each of the 60 mentoring sessions conducted by each expert.
  • Comprehensive assessment of the implementation progress of business plans.
  • Evaluation report on the effectiveness and impact of the in-kind support received by SMEs.
  • Monitoring report on technological advancements within SMEs, if applicable.
  • Assessment of the skills development of SMEs' staff resulting from attended training programs.


An organization or an individual, having a proven experience in mentoring and working the MSMEs in different sectors.

How to apply

To apply, please submit your resume and proposal by email to [email protected]  by 10 February 2024. In the subject of the email mention “Call for Mentor | IMQAN”.

Thursday, 15. Feb 2024
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Business & Economic Policy
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
4 months