Provision of support to the development process of the Mobile Protection Unit service project: facilitation and translation

Provision of support to the development process of the Mobile Protection Unit service project: facilitation and translation
I. Context of the mission
For several decades, Lebanon has been facing a political and socio-economic crisis that has resulted in a high number of unemployed workers and people unable to meet their basic needs. Since the end of 2019, there has been a sharp worsening of this crisis, including the resignation of the government in October 2019, overlapping with the health crisis of COVID-19, the explosions of August 4,2020, as well as unprecedented inflation. The lack of the social protection system for the Lebanese contribute to the marginalization of a segment of the population.
To address these needs Amel Association International (Amel) and Samusocial International (SSI) launched in 2017 a pilot Samusocial-type support system for the most vulnerable people in the southern areas of Beirut, many of whom have fled the Syrian conflict.
As part of a partnership and financing agreement with the State of Monaco for the implementation of the project "Fighting social exclusion in the southern suburbs of Beirut", from January 2020 to December 2022, Amel and the SSI are setting up a project to provide care and medico-psychosocial support to children and young people in situations of exclusion as well as their families in the South of Beirut, but also to strengthen the knowledge and technical capacities of the actors concerned by the response to situations of social exclusion in the southern districts of Beirut. The service provided with these people in situations of exclusion is based on a mobile device to ensure a response both global and individualized to situations of exclusion, as close as possible to the communities, in particular through support and referral to relevant structures adapted to the needs and requests of these people.
As part of this project, it is therefore planned to produce a service project document of the Mobile Protection Unit. In the longer term, this project service will be an internal and external communication tool. It will make it possible to clarify, in a participatory way, the MPU’s mission within Amel, while facilitating its visibility to the partners of the operational network.
II. Description of the service provision
1) Mission Objectives
Faciliate the creation of a service project document via the animation of working sessions with the Mobile Protection Unit. A framework will be provided, formalizing the context of intervention of the mobile team as well as its objectives, its methods of intervention and the aspects of human resources ... etc. In order to carry out the project service, the facilitator will have to animate, to organize and manage the collection of data and information necessary to inform the pre-established framework. In order to do so it is planned to engage in collaboration with the mobile team, allowing to capitalize on their experiences during several working sessions.
The working sessions with the team will be animated in Arabic. The frame must be filled in in English.

How to apply

Candidates wishing to propose an offer are invited to do so before 25/02/2022, by sending their offer to the Project Coordinator, at the following address: [email protected].
The offer must include:
- A presentation note in the form of a curriculum vitae including all the information necessary for the analysis of the relevance of the profile of the service provider and of the technical offer.
- An example of relevant productions (documents and methodologies for facilitating meetings / working sessions conducted by the candidate, service projects carried out...).
- A financial proposal giving the total amount (in euros, all costs and taxes included) as well as the amount per day worked.
- The declaration of integrity and absence of conflict of interest signed (see annex).
- A document proving the legal identity of the candidate, and in the case of a consulting firm, the signing capacity of the representative submitting the tender and signing the declaration of integrity and absence of conflict of interest.
- The extract of registration in the Commercial Register and a certificate of civil and professional liability insurance.


  • Amel Association International is committed to diversity and welcomes applications from qualified candidates regardless of disability, gender identity, marital or civil partnership status, race, color or ethnic and national origins, religion or belief, or sexual orientation.
  • Amel has a Zero Tolerance policy on sexual exploitation and abuse, and sexual harassment: Candidates will not be considered for employment with Amel if they have committed violations of international human rights law, violations of international humanitarian law, sexual exploitation, sexual abuse, or sexual harassment, or if there are reasonable grounds to believe that they have been involved in the commission of any of these acts.
Friday, 25. Feb 2022
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Children & Youth, Health, Human Rights & Protection
Remuneration range:
2000 to 3000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
3 months