Baseline Objectives:

The purpose of the Baseline Study is to draw out information on the operating context, beneficiary needs, and gaps to be filled through the project’s intervention. It will provide the information on which key decisions affecting the planning and fine tuning of the implementation of the Sports for Peace project will be made

Study Methodology:

Mixed methodology using quantitative and qualitative tools

How to apply

Kindly refer to the attached TOR

Interested Individuals are requested to submit the following documents:

 Proposal (2 pages max) of the suggested methodology and stakeholders to collect data from;

 Financial proposal (signed) that includes a budget for the expected activities and the per diem for each person involved in USD;

 MOF registration number if available;

 CV of key persons involved and the portfolio of the organization if relevant.

Proposal deadline: October 15, 2021 Kindly submit the proposal with requested documents by October 15, 2021 to Ms. Ghinwa Monzer, Monitoring Evaluation and Learning Officer, at: [email protected] with “S4P Baseline Consultant” in the email heading, cc-ing [email protected] For more clarification regarding the proposal contact Ms. Ghinwa Monzer.

Incomplete proposals will not be considered, and early submissions are encouraged. While we thank all applicants for their interest, only those selected for interviews will be contacted.

Competitive budgets would be considered.

Friday, 15. Oct 2021
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Development, Research & Studies
Remuneration range:
1000 to 2000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
October – December 2021