Psychosocial support is somehow integrated in all Najdeh

Overall Objectives: 
Overall objective: The overall object of the project is to improve the mental and wellbeing of children, their parents and teachers. It also helps the local community to deal with traumatized children and empowering them through involving and integrating them in different types of activities. Thus, dealing with their daily life activities and work, as well as dealing with the negative impact of the war and conflict. Specific objective Integrating the traumatized children with their daily life and through out daily activities. It also will provide safe place for children to play and express themselves and their feelings. The daily activities focus on collective games and as followings: 1- Safe place that equip with indoor and outdoor games and toys. 2- Games were the children can express themselves and their feelings and fears, such as telling stories, paint, draw, theatre, etc... 3- Games and activities to express their aggression and violence. 4- Games and activities with traumatized children can be identified and integrated within the group. 5- Integrating the disabled and both gender in one group. 6- Decreasing violence and aggression among children and against them. 7- Rights of children. 8- Referring system to experts, psychologist, doctor
1- 1413 children were integrated in interaction groups focus on drawing, painting, craft workshops, story telling, singing groups, theater performance, drama games, puppet shows and sport groups of those: a- Around 350 Lebanese children have received 5 days/week psychosocial activities. During four days (Mon-Thur.) the activities are introduced during the breaks of scholastic days. Friday, the day off, children have received outdoor activities that included trips, visits to Palestinian children in the camps, theater etc. b- 900 Palestinian children have received weekly groups of interactions and activities. - The age of the children ranges between 6-16 years old. c- High traumatized children have referred to psychologist. 2- Educational and awareness raising workshops for 500 women (half/half Lebanese and Palestinian) on the importance of mental health, dealing with trauma, child and women s rights have been carried out during one year. 3- 10 Support, speak up and therapy groups, half/half, women and children from both communities have carried out each three months by psychologist. 4. Therapy groups for AN and other local NGOs with 12-15 participants conducted once each three months, and according to the needs and demand. 5- Around 350 children and members from Lebanese local community received training on recognition and dealing with cluster bombs 6- 1000 Aid Race Game, mainly on Cluster bombes produced and distributed over the schools, families and local community 7- 35 local volunteers from both communities will be trained on psychosocial intervention, identification of traumatized children and women, types of trauma, and referring system. The training is carried on three phases: a- the basic training, b- the ongoing training c- the follow up training, and for the whole year. 8- 12 local volunteers attending ToT training of psychosocial intervention and activities. half of those are Lebanese and half are Palestinians 9- 1250 Lebanese and Palestinian children have received stationary kits, 750 children received baby cloths, 750 received children cloths, 1500 bag of diapers, and 700 patients received essential drugs.
Start Date
Sun, 01/01/2006 - 2:00am
Project Status
Project Timeframe
Intervention Sector(s):
Project Location:
Collaboration with Other Organisations