Najdeh s reproductive health project, launched in 1996, was expanded and strengthened to conduct a domestic violence prevalence survey and project during 1998-1999.
Workshops were conducted to educate Najdeh staff further about the domestic violence, the related issues and topics, and communication skills to assist survivals.

In July 2000, the Women s Commission and Najdeh s social affairs section were awarded a three-year grant (2000-2003) from Columbia University s Mailman School of Public Health Heilbrunn Department Population and family Health to implement the Domestic Violence Program for Palestinian Refugee in Lebanon.

In 2001, Najdeh trained its staff on domestic violence issues and conducted community awareness-raising workshops.
The second baseline survey was prepared on family relations;
domestic violence knowledge, attitude and practice profiles.
In 2002, the preliminary report was written and disseminated.

In 2003, Najdeh compiled important qualitative information from the survey, published a finalized English version of the survey report, presented findings at the Global Health Council meeting, translated the report and shared survey findings with their field staff.
Najdeh has widely disseminated the research report on the comparison of KAP surveys on domestic violence to UN and INGO partners, local NGOs, as well as to the beneficiary community.

In 2004 Najdeh has also designed IEC materials including poster and brochure that were distributed publicized the availability of Najdeh

Overall Objectives: 
Overall Project Goal To contribute in improving mental, physical and social well being of Palestinian refugees and NGOs working among Palestinian community in Lebanon aiming to eliminate violence against women. Project Objectives 1) Increasing the community s knowledge about the effects of violence against women on community 2) Decreasing the community s acceptance of violence against women as an acceptable way of solving problems. 3) Increased utilization of social and psychological counseling services and appropriate referrals for legal aid and medical treatment. 4) Increased capacities and skills of Palestinian refugee women as well as relevant national and international organizations to address violence against women.
- Organizing educational workshops to staff and beneficiaries on the importance of Mental and psychological issues - Increasing the knowledge about women s rights, human rights, gender, discrimination issues and reproductive health among women and families through Najdeh s violence against women program -Offering all types of Legal and psychological assistance -Offering Counseling and Guidance to victims who subjected to violence - -Expanding the networking, cooperation and activities with NGOs and local community addressing violence against women program. - Implementing supporting groups for high risk clients run by psychologist. - Enhancing the reporting pathways and investigative procedures for the high risk clients and workshops beneficiaries. - Maintain and increase referrals system and network by engaging with referral sources and follow-up on outcomes of referrals.
Start Date
Thu, 16/05/1996 - 3:00am
Project Status
Project Timeframe
Intervention Sector(s):
Project Location:
Collaboration with Other Organisations
Najdeh has established and enhanced its cooperation with Local NGOs in Lebanon on violence against women issues, including the counseling services, legal and psychological assistance, besides Najdeh primarily relies from European donor organizations and individual. <br /> - In 2007, AN led initiative and formed network of women NGOs working among Palestinians in Lebanon in order to report for CEDAW committee on the discrimination against Palestinian Refugee Women. Report was submitted to CEDAW in Jan 2008. <br /> <br>It also receives donations from partners in the US, Canada, French, Italy, and Nether land.