The project aims at reducing illiteracy among Palestinian refugees, especially women and children. The program seeks to strengthen and empower yearly 1000 learners with the basic knowledge necessary for their educational and social skills. To achieve this aim, the section runs literacy, tutorial and English language classes. Literacy classes covers three stages, each for one scholastic year. Each stage consists of four educational components on languages, mathematics, social science and natural science. Learners explore these components through active learning and collective process of dialogue, participation and researches. As for the tutorial classes, they are conducted by local volunteers during the scholastic year for school students and language sessions. As for summer activities program, this is also conducted for beneficiaries during summer vacation, and includes entertainment activities besides the educational ones, and are facilitated by regional and international volunteers

Overall Objectives: 
Overall Objective Reducing illiteracy among Palestinian refugees, especially women and children, as well as to reduce the rate of drop outs from schools. Project objectives - Conduct literacy and complimentary educational sessions to Palestinian women, school students and drop-outs. -Enhance the quality and level of education of Palestinian refugee women and children. -Reinforce the learners capacities with emphasis on active learning and collective activities. - Raise awareness of Palestinian refugee women and children. - Refer drop outs back to school or to vocational institutions. -Expand the programs networking and coordination activities. -Enhance and improve the program s environment.
-Providing beneficiaries (65% females) with literacy sessions and scholastic tutorial classes. - Conducting educational and entertaining summer activities. -Improving the beneficiaries educational and social skills. -Referring literacy learners back to school. -Acquainting the tutorial classes students with the proper skills that enable them of succeeding in school official exams. - Conducting curricular and extracurricular activities for learners based on the collective approach. -Expanding the Section s networking relation and activities with local and international NGOs
Start Date
Mon, 01/01/1979 - 2:00am
Project Status
Project Timeframe
Intervention Sector(s):
Project Location:
Collaboration with Other Organisations
Internal coordination and referral among the PE centers and local NGOs continued to be efficient. At the international level, coordination continued with EPEP through the training workshops. There was also a focus on the field follow up to accompany the post training stage and the beneficiaries needs. Also, there was coordination with Karem Rida Saed Foundation who partially funded the popular education group in Borj El-Shamali, and conducted field visit to the camp and the literacy group.