Vocational Training program: aims to provide Palestinian women with training skills to enhance their economic opportunities to confront marginalization.
The vocational training program includes administrative as well as traditional courses.

Overall Objectives: 
Overall Objective Aims to enhance the economic opportunities of Palestinian refugee women to confront marginalization Project Objectives: - Conduct VT courses for Palestinian refugee women and acquaint them with vocational skills and professions. -Secure on the job training and job placement for beneficiaries and graduates. -Raise awareness of Palestinian refugee women on the importance of job placement, the importance of their economical and social participation. -Improve the personalities of beneficiaries and knowledge. -Develop the program at all levels by responding to the market demand and improving the centers buildings. -Enhance the capacity building of VT staff.
-Conducting VT courses to direct beneficiaries in 11 VT centers. The courses are: hairdressing, office management, graphic design, computer maintenance (A+), software ICDL, software, telecommunication maintenance, accounting, carpentry, interior decoration, and photography & film editing. - Participation of direct beneficiaries and indirect beneficiaries in the different activities conducted at the centers, which are: awareness raising workshops on educational, rights, national, health, GBV, etc issues, career orientation workshops, extracurricular activities and celebrations on different occasions that are organized by beneficiaries and graduates committees. -Field visits to job employers and different vocations to secure on the job-training and job placement. -Working on the students personalized questionnaires to measure the change of the beneficiaries and graduates at all levels at the beginning and at the end of the VT courses.
Start Date
Sun, 01/01/1978 - 2:00am
Project Status
Project Timeframe
Intervention Sector(s):
Project Location:
Collaboration with Other Organisations
At the internal level, Najdeh continued its coordination with local NGOs, UNRWA, PRCS, EPEP, and the regional camp popular committees.<br> At the external level, the EU collective project that started in 2004 has been implemented in all AN VT centers. Most of the centers were equipped by computers, digital cameras, ACs, UPSs, and some other equipment. In addition, four instructors and one VT supervisors are ongoing ToT training. By the second half of 2006, 20 trainers and instructors were trained in the five subjects and areas of work of the training. At the regional level, Al-Buss center coordinated with the Danish Refugee Council project on the non-ID cases within the camp.