
The purpose of the position is to serve as a catalyst, partnership broker, and builder of the capacity of local partners, facilitating the community-led initiatives to improve and sustain the well-being of children and their families.

To implement with partner the program activities and sponsorship Operation and to facilitate the participation and engagement of Registered Children in programs by applying Sponsorship standard.

Friday, 11 September 2020

Under the supervision of the Field Coordinator, the Protection and Emergency Cash Assistance Project Manager (PM) is in charge of ensuring the timely/quality implementation of emergency activities provided by PU-AMI in the wake of the Beirut Blast and to vulnerable populations in Beirut and Mount Lebanon. Activities will specifically include the identification of persons at risk, the provision of emergency cash assistance (80%), management of referral system, social worker’s outreach and social counselling activities (20%).

Sunday, 6 September 2020

Under the direct supervision of Health Team PHCC Manager, the Health Field Officer is responsible for the supervision and monitoring of the PHC on the administrative, managerial part and very specific medical aspects that ensure the quality of health care provided at the PHCC for the smooth implementation of the Flat Fee Model.
Additionally, he/she will be responsible for monitoring, gathering information and reporting on the beneficiaries’ health status, with a focus on the communicable diseases.

Sunday, 30 August 2020

Under the direct supervision of the Health Project Manager, the Health Team Manager-PHCC participates in the overall coordination of the activities implemented at the Primary Healthcare Centers (PHCCs) supported by PU-AMI. Ensure the overall principles and strategy defined by the Health Coordinator and Health PM are in place.

Sunday, 30 August 2020

The ICT Officer will manage the overall technology infrastructure for NRC including planning, implementation and management of the software applications and hardware infrastructure that supports NRC operations. The ICT Officer will be involved in systems administration including general computer support, upgrades, software installations, license management, network management, deployment of equipment, inventory tracking, end-user support, and providing user training on use of common business applications.

Sunday, 30 August 2020

The Lebanon Agriculture and Rural Empowerment (ARE) program is a multi-year project funded by USAID
to develop rural economics in Lebanon through support to the agro-food sector and other industries to unlock
local and export sales potential while also creating jobs and increasing farmers’ and worker’s incomes. ARE
will increase jobs; improve incomes; improve female participation and employment opportunities; increase
domestic and export sales; increase private sector investment; improve access to finance; link value chain
actors to domestic and international markets.

Thursday, 27 August 2020

The mission of SHEILD is bringing relief to the population in general and to those who suffered and are still suffering from war and from the absence of governmental health and social care and protection. The methods involve direct assistance as well as community based interventions to enhance human rights, economic conditions, and social integration and subsequently implement programs with high emphasis on the most vulnerable and deprived members of targeted communities
SHEILD is looking for a "Protection Outreach Worker" for (Hasbaya & Marjayoun Districts)

Friday, 28 August 2020

ABAAD is a non-profit, non-politically affiliated, non-religious civil association that aims to achieve gender equality as an essential condition to sustainable social and economic development in the MENA region. ABAAD seeks to promote women's equality and participation through policy development, legal reform, and gender mainstreaming, engaging men, eliminating discrimination, and advancing and empowering women to participate effectively and fully in their communities.

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

The LCRP project seeks to support the Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) to fulfill its mandate to lead and coordinate the response to the Syria crisis in Lebanon, through technical support and provision of protection services to the most vulnerable people.

Monday, 24 August 2020