National Communication and Visibility Expert- MASAR-LB-VNGI-012-C&V/2022

MASAR program for Local Governments, under the EU MADAD Trust Fund, is implemented by the International Cooperation Agency of the Association of Netherlands Municipalities (Dutch Acronym VNG International) along with the Polish Centre for International Aid (Polish acronym PCPM), the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation (Catalan acronym ACCD), in, respectively, Baalbek-Hermel, Akkar, coastal plain north of Tripoli and their unions of municipalities.  

The overall aim of the program is to strengthen the long-term resilience of targeted subnational governments and their host, refugee and IDP populations to deal with displacement.

Under this program, we are seeking a National Expert in Communication & Visibility, to support the projects in all communication, visibility, and outreach activities.



How to apply

Interested applicants are required to submit 

  1.  CV/company profile  in compliance with the attached TOR  with
  2. one page briefly describing the suggested  work approach for satisfying the TOR herein within the time framework of this contract

Kindly write your mails with the following description in the subject line: " National Communication and Visibility Expert" and address them to 

    Mathijs Kuppen,   : [email protected]

    cc: Rima Kreidieh,  [email protected]                                    


Tuesday, 31. May 2022
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Communications & Media
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
till mid Decemebr 2022