Impact and Effectiveness Study of Cash Plus Livelihoods Programming for Lebanese Host Communities in Lebanon


Solidarites International (SI) in Lebanon is seeking a qualified and experienced consultant (or group of consultant(s) or consulting firms specializing in M&E (Monitoring & Evaluation) to conduct an evaluation study on the impact and effectiveness of cash plus programming in Lebanon. This evaluation is part of the Cash Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning Organizational Network (CAMEALEON[1])'s initiative to enhance the understanding, its use and impact, of cash and cash plus programming outcomes among the Lebanese host population in the current socio-economic context of Lebanon.

The objective of this study is to provide novel evidence-based insights that will inform future programmatic and financial decision-making. The main research question is: How well are cash plus activities linking Multipurpose cash with complementary livelihoods programming to help people on the short term to alleviate acute needs, and help them develop livelihoods initiatives? The research will look at how to link and complement emergency short-term cash distribution with medium-long term livelihoods assistance and assess its impact and effectiveness on the livelihoods of beneficiaries in the long term.



Lebanon is currently grappling with a convergence of crises that have severely impacted the well-being of its population. The country is experiencing a protracted socio-economic crisis characterized by high inflation, unemployment, and a collapsing currency, leading to decreased purchasing power and limited access to basic services. Furthermore, the political landscape is marked by instability and governance challenges, hindering effective public service delivery.

Adding to this complexity, Lebanon has been hosting a significant number of Syrian refugees fleeing conflict in their home country. This influx has strained resources and infrastructure, putting additional pressure on the already fragile socio-economic systems. The refugee crisis has not only affected the displaced population but also had ripple effects on host communities, further exacerbating vulnerabilities. In this challenging context, cash programming has emerged as a critical tool for addressing the immediate needs of vulnerable households. Cash transfers provide essential financial assistance that enables recipients to make choices aligned with their priorities.

Until recently, Lebanon’s humanitarian situation has been translated to a mix of relief and development programming, with agencies and donors seeking to create linkages between efforts to achieve long term visions and those to meet short-term needs. Many agencies have expanded their targeting to also include Lebanese host community, alongside refugees. Given the varying lifestyles, backgrounds, and capacities of these two populations, humanitarian and development programming are having to navigate population-specific challenges while designing programs for aid provision. Cash Plus has arisen as an aid modality that can be applied across various sectors of intervention such as purchasing food, accessing healthcare, or paying for education. Cash plus programming, which combines direct cash assistance with complementary interventions, seeks to enhance the impact of assistance by addressing multi-dimensional needs and building resilience.

At SI, we have several examples of livelihood programming at mission level in our different sectors of intervention (WASH, food security and shelter). Food Security and Livelihoods activities are indeed directly associated to households’ means of living by allowing them to produce their own food or to access income to be able to buy the food. SI has carried out two livelihood projects. The first, CROP (Contribute to Reinforced farming Opportunities and nutrition Practices) has used Cash Transfers to assist the most vulnerable households and farmers in bridging the gap of food insecurity and reducing reliance on negative coping mechanisms. Implemented alongside this is the "Cash Plus" approach, wherein vulnerable households receiving cash for food are additionally provided with vegetable gardening kits and training sessions. Furthermore, small-scale farmers receive in-kind assistance and training sessions focusing on optimizing agricultural inputs, aiding them in managing inflation pressures and sustaining their cultivation practices. A second project, currently being implemented, is the provision of integrated Food Security and WASH Assistance through a protection lens to 4,470 individuals in Zahle and digital innovation enhancing AAP (Accountability to Affected Populations) to 15 000 individuals and 5 NGOs (non-governmental organizations) nationwide. The cash for food assistance for vulnerable households was provided unconditionally.

Oxfam uses different approaches to identify cash beneficiaries, but the 2 most used approaches are community-based and neighborhood approaches. The latter approach helps in identifying the most vulnerable households. With funding from DANIDA and in partnership with a local partner UTOPIA, Oxfam piloted the Cash+ approach last year in the north of Lebanon as a continuation of its Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) and Cash for Food (CfF) programs, collecting livelihood ideas from TCA and CfF beneficiaries via a short survey. An external consultancy firm trained the final selected beneficiaries in basic financial literacy and business plans, preparing them to pitch their business ideas to a panel that selected the final winners. Currently, Oxfam is implementing another Cash+ project in the north with 2 local partners (UTOPIA and SHIFT), through which TCA beneficiaries will be able to enroll in vocational training and Work Based Learning (WBL) opportunities.

In theory, these approaches hold promise to provide beneficiaries with relief from their immediate concerns, while giving them space and resources to receive aid that allows for long-term change in their living situation, aiming into an overall improvement of their wellbeing. The study will look at how to link and complement emergency short-term cash distribution with medium-long term livelihoods assistance and assess its impact and effectiveness on the livelihoods of beneficiaries, Lebanese host communities, in the long term.

This will complement the 2022 study on “Building a Cash plus Response in Lebanon” which was focused on the refugee population, offering insight into the specificities of such programming when working with Lebanese host communities. The research will cover existing activities and projects at both SI in Bekaa region, and Oxfam, with a focus on highlighting the impact of different models of integrated emergency, medium-term and long-term assistance on the targeted Lebanese population. The study will inform actors involved in Cash Plus interventions, share lessons learnt and recommendations and provide a roadmap on the needed considerations when designing and reviewing such interventions in Lebanon.



Goal: The research will look at how to link and complement emergency short-term cash distribution with medium-long term livelihoods assistance and assess its impact on the livelihoods of beneficiaries in the long term.

The consultant will be responsible for conducting an in-depth evaluation to achieve the following specific objectives:

Assess the impact of SI’s and Oxfam’s cash plus livelihoods programming on beneficiary households in Lebanon, including their economic well-being, access to basic services, food security, livelihoods, and overall resilience (use resilience indicators).

Evaluate the effectiveness of the cash plus livelihoods approach in achieving intended livelihoods outcomes (Referencing and definition of livelihoods (outcomes) will be requested).

Identify key factors that contribute to the success or challenges faced in implementing cash plus livelihoods programming, as well identify opportunities and threats to such programming.

Provide recommendations for optimizing cash plus livelihoods programming strategies to enhance its impact and effectiveness on the livelihoods of vulnerable populations in Lebanon.



The consultant will report to Solidarites International's relevant focal points and work closely with CAMEALEON representatives throughout the study. SI and CAMEALEON will set-up a joint Research Committee that will oversee the delivery and quality assurance for this consultancy. The consultant(s) are also expected to draw on learnings from other organizations and the sector.

The consultant's scope of work will include, but not be limited to:

Reviewing relevant literature, existing data, and program documentation related to cash plus livelihoods programming in Lebanon.

Reviewing other Cash plus livelihoods approaches elsewhere that could potentially apply to Lebanon, light of the key findings about impact and effectiveness.

Designing a comprehensive research methodology, including data collection tools and sampling strategies.

Conducting field visits to selected project sites (preferably not limited to SI and CAMEALEON partner projects) and conducting interviews, focus group discussions, and surveys with beneficiaries, program staff, and relevant stakeholders. The consultant(s) will be responsible for securing the sample, contacting respondents, and securing all logistics including compensation for participants attending FGDs.

Analyzing collected data using appropriate statistical and qualitative analysis methods.

Preliminary findings presentation and validation workshop with the Research Committee.

Developing a detailed report that outlines findings, advocacy statements, conclusions, and actionable recommendations based on the study's results.

Presenting the study's findings and recommendations to CAMEALEON partners and possible to relevant sector work groups in a clear and concise manner, including a PowerPoint slide deck and other visual formats such as infographics, etc.


How to apply

Thank you for submitting your interest via email before the 24th of April 2024 16:00 to the following email address:  [email protected] Please send a text message on the following number once you submit the interest email: +961-71417365, mentioning your company full name and the email address that you used to submit your interest email.

SI will then send to all interested suppliers the tender documents at the same time on the 26th of April 2024.

A Questions & Answers session will be held at the above-mentioned location on the 30th of April 2024 at 10:00 AM in the following address:

Beirut, Badaro street, Ghattas bldg. (known as Bank Audi bldg.), 1st floor (SI office).

After the Q&A meeting, SI will send one email to all suppliers that submitted their interest including the Q&A meeting details on the 30th of April 2024.

Suppliers are then requested to submit the tender well sealed envelopes by Friday May 10, 2024. Envelopes must be separated as follows:

  1. One sealed envelope for Admin & technical documents mentioning the RfQ Ref number on the envelope. This envelope must include a USB memory stick, the USB memory stick must include scanned copies for all Admin & Technical submitted documents.
  2. One sealed envelope for financial documents mentioning the RfQ Ref number on the envelope.
Wednesday, 24. Apr 2024
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
3 months