LBN/HULO/2024-03 , Call for Tender - Non Food Items Framework Agreement
The Humanitarian Logistics Cooperative referred to as hulo on behalf of the following international non-governmental organizations, ACTED, Action Against Hunger (ACF), The Association of Volunteers in International Service (AVSI), Danish Refugee Council (DRC), Federation Handicap International (HI), French Red Cross (FRC), INTERSOS, Plan International (PI), Relief International (RI), Solidarités International (SI), Welthungerhilfe (WHH), World Vision International (WVI).
How to apply
Deadline for submission: All tenders must be submitted before 2:00 PM on Tuesday, 23rd of July 2024.
Instructions for Submission:
- Offers must be submitted in hard copy only, following the instructions in the tender documents .
- Sealed Envelope (as per the Tender submission Template).
- An electronic version of the documents excel and pdf (on a USB key).
Technical specifications and Tender Documents can be obtained by interested parties from the following email address:
Expired Deadline
Tuesday, 23. Jul 2024
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):