Stair Climber - Mobile Transport System for Wheelchair Users
The objective of this tender is to select a qualified supplier to provide a mobile transport system that meets the specific needs and requirements of wheelchair users at shareq
General Requirements And Specifications:
- Constant speed, 5m/min
- Capacity up to 130Kg
- Power Supply 24V battery
Can be used with any manual wheelchair with standard back,
Delivery before end of June 2024
Payment method : Bank letter only
How to apply
Interested suppliers are requested to submit their proposals by email with title "Stair Climber - Mobile Transport System for Wheelchair Users" to the electronic address mentioned below. The proposals should include the following:
- Company profile and contact information.
- Prices in USD
- Certificate of registration in the Ministry of Finance (الشهادة المالية أو اذاعة تجارية).
- The financial offer should be signed and stamped.
Online at:
For any clarifications or inquiries, please call us at 09-232658 or email us at
We will send an award letter to the applicant selected for the selected supplier, while also sending reject letters to those who were not selected
We reserve the right to accept or reject any proposal without providing any reason thereof. The decision taken by our NGO’s management will be final.
We look forward to receiving your proposals.
Selection Criteria:
Price: 35
Quality: 35
Past Experience: 20
Payment Method: 10