Content Development Consultant |Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the workplace

Context & Background

LLWB has launched the project ‘Supporting Women on Board of Syndicates, Universities, and Board of Organizations’, in partnership with the British Embassy. The aim of the project is to address the challenges of women participation in decision-making positions and to facilitate and increase female representation on the boards of syndicates, universities, and organizations, promoting gender equality and diversity in decision-making positions.

Scope of work

The LLWB team seeks a content development consultant to assist in developing modules and content that will be delivered for 50 women, divided into 2 groups of 25 each, from each of the 4 entities in the project (Balamand University, Modern University for Business and Science, Syndicate of Dentists Tripoli, Damma Hug).  

Expected Deliverables

A comprehensive Report in English and Arabic: describing the recommended content to be addressed within the below topic. This report should include an outline that illustrates various measures/modules to be considered, accompanied by a clear explanation of what each module should cover. The content is to be delivered to experienced women.



Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the workplace:

  • To promote gender dynamics, equality, and the challenges faced by different genders.
  • To catalyze a shift in mindsets and promote more equitable interactions with women within the workplace.
  • Levels of discrimination, how to mitigate discrimination, stereotypes and how to mitigate stereotypes at work, PSEA policies and mechanisms.


How to apply

To apply, please submit your resume and proposal by e-mail to [email protected]  by 24 January, 2024. In the subject of the email mention the title of the topic that you will be proposing to develop. Your financial proposal should specify the rate.

Wednesday, 24. Jan 2024
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Women Status & Issues
Remuneration range:
4000 to 5000 (USD)
Duration of Contract: