Call for Consultancy - To develop a booklet to raise awareness for workers about their rights at work and how to transition to the formal economy.


The general objective of SOLIFEM project is to support the transition from the informal to the formal economy through tripartite social dialogue in Lebanon and other countries in the region, including Algeria, Egypt, and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT). It will pursue this objective through strengthening the capacity of the ILO tripartite constituents to act through social dialogue on two fronts –first, the development of integrated strategies on formalization and second, the development of skills training and recognition systems, with a particular focus on women and youth. Developing the capacity of youth women and men in the formal and informal labour markets, will help them overcome challenges in accessing formal jobs in that sector and support the national initiative of the ministry of industry in responding to food security crises that may arise due to the economic and political situation.

Project main outcomes:

Outcome 1: Enabling national policy frameworks to facilitate the transition of informal economy workers and economic units to the formal economy in place, developed through dialogue between the tripartite constituents

Outcome 2: Skills development systems that enable young people and women in the informal economy to access formal employment


In order to support trade unions in reaching out to workers to increase membership and support workers in their transition from the informal to the formal economy, the SOLIFEM project is planning to develop a ”Booklet-workers guide” in Arabic which aims to raise awarness on exisiting laws and rights of workers to support the transition. The project is planning to contract an individual consutlant to help in developping this guidance booklet that will raise awareness of workers and support their transition from the informal to the formal economy.


We are seeking an individual consultant to develop a booklet to raise awareness for workers about their rights at work and how to transition to the formal economy. The consultant will be responsible for conducting research on existing national laws and conventions and initiatives under this theme.

The consultancy contract will be achieved between September and October (exact start date and end date to be determined).


The Work will be performed under the guidance and supervision of the National Project Officer in Beirut and the CTA for SOLIFEM in the region.


  1. Deliverable 1: Provide a detailed preliminary proposal outlining the content and layout for each page of 15 pages of the booklet in Arabic, while covering the themes below.

(Outline and content must be developed in a user friendly way – infographics use are important)

حقوق العامل والمستخدم -:  التعاقد مع صاحب العمل - الأجر العادل - التأمينات الصحية واصابات العمل - الصحة والسلامة المهنية - التزام ساعات العمل القانونية - الإجازات الاسبوعية والسنوية - إجازات الامومة - الإنذارات قبل إنهاء التعاقد - الحق بالانتساب إلى النقابات.

واجبات العامل والمستخدم:

التزام مواعيد العمل - حماية وسائل الانتاج - الحفاظ على سلامة المنشاة - الحفاظ على أسرار المؤسسة - الشفافية في المسائل المالية .

دور اتحادات العمال

  1. Deliverable 2: Develop the content of each section of the booklet in Arabic.

Phases and detailed Description of deliverables

Deliverables will be considered final once approved by the National Project coordinator and the CTA.

Deliverable 1: Develop the outline in Arabic

After concluding internal discussions with the National Project Coordinator, the CTA, the Worker specialist at ROAS and the reference group members, following the below steps:

  • Draft the outline based on research, documents and guidance received from ILO and reference group members
  • Submit the version of the outline to ILO to be reviewed  
  • Review the version for discussion with the reference group
  • Submit the Final version of the outline

Deliverable 2:  Develop the content of the Booklet in Arabic

For this deliverable, the consultant will rely on research and other resources provided by ILO

  • Submit the first draft of the booklet content.
  • Submit the final draft for discussion with reference group
  • Submit the final version of content and format for printing.


Two instalments based on the deliverables subject to the clearance and satisfaction of the ILO:

  • 40 % will be paid upon completion of Deliverable 1, as described in the deliverables section.
  • 60% will paid upon completion of deliverable 2 and 3 described in the deliverables section.


  • Education: Law degree, social sciences and other that relates.
  • At least 6 years of relevant professional experience.
  • Experience in conducting legal research and legal content and providing Legal awareness.
  • Knowledge and previous working experience within the field of labour and human rights.
  • good knowledge of the Lebanese labour legislations and industrial relations
  • Experience working on ILS is preferred.


Excellent command of English and Arabic

Core Values

  • Respect for Diversity.
  • Integrity.
  • Professionalism.
  • Ethical conduct.

Core Competencies

  • Awareness and Sensitivity Regarding Gender Issues.
  • Accountability.
  • Creative Problem Solving.
  • Effective Communication.
  • Inclusive Collaboration.
  • Stakeholder Engagement.
  • Leading by Example.

Functional Competencies

  • Substantive experience and record of accomplishment in gender equality and women’s empowerment.
  • Good knowledge of ILO and the UN system.
  • Demonstrated analytical and technical skills in managing development projects/Programmes.
  • Ability to introduce new approaches and strategic innovations.

How to apply


Expression of interest should include the below:

  • Curriculum Vitae including references.
  • Financial offer clearly describing the rate per day and number of days per deliverable.
  • One work sample of similar nature and context

All on or before 18 September 2023, at the following email address: [email protected]

Please mention “SOLIFEM - Booklet” in the subject of the email.

Monday, 18. Sep 2023
Type of Call
Call for Applications
Intervention Sector(s):
Development, Labor & Livelihoods