Supply of plastic bins for sorted solid waste for the Municipalities of Dekweneh, Hermel, El-Ein and Bouday in Lebanon

Green City aid 012314/02/3 is a project funded by the Italian Agency for the Cooperation and Development, implemented by Municipality of Marsala and ICU in Lebanon with the objective of helping strengthening the links between Italian territorial entities and foreign local authorities by promoting the establishment of territorial partnerships between the municipality of Marsala, the municipality of Alcamo and the municipalities of El Ain, Hermel, Bouday and Dekweneh in Lebanon and Irbid and Karak in Jordan, aiming to promote sustainable and resilient territorial development through the enhancement of urban development management and planning skills in the energy field and in the management of municipal solid waste.

In the framework of the its first components “introduction and strengthening of good management practices, separate collection and treatment, waste recycling and circular economy” the project intend to purchase Plastic bins for sorted waste in order to provide to the Municipalities of Dekweneh, Hermel, El-Ein and Bouday in Lebanon.

How to apply

The tender dossier is available up to your request to

The deadline for submission of tenders is 9 May 2024 at 13.00 Lebanese time

Thursday, 09. May 2024
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):