Call For Proposals - Business Development Of Innovations In The Sector Of Water For Agriculture
ICU is an international NGO who has been working in development projects in Lebanon for more than 20 years.
ICU-Lebanon is looking for entrepreneurs with innovations/products/business models at the water/food nexus that have high potential to be brought to scale. Those innovations/products/business models should focus on enabling the production of more food with less water and/or make more water available for food production, processing, and distribution.
The specific sectors of interest are: water efficiency and reuse, water capture and storage, salinity and salt water intrusion. The technology can either be at first stage of piloting, needing to be introduced to the market, or already on the market and needing to be scaled up. The technology must show a viable business model to overcome the barriers that inhibit its creation, dissemination, and adoption.
ICU is ready to support the business creation/development through projects ranging from USD 50.000 to USD 1.000.000 by collaborating in developing the idea, introduce it to the market and scale it up.
If you are interested in participating you can send the following documentation (exclusively in English) to
- description of the innovations/products/business models and why it is relevant to the above mentioned sector (max 1 page);
- description of the business model through which you think your idea can be supported (max 1 page);
- description of the company (max 1 page);
- last 2 years’ fiscal statements.
The selection of the best ideas will consist in an evaluation of the above-listed documents, and with those shortlisted will be arranged a meeting and visit to the company. ICU will not disclose any information or documentation received from this call to anyone, unless otherwise advised by the company.