Request for Applications - Strengthening Civil Society for Impact (SCS)
The Lebanon Civic Action Accelerator Program (LEB-CAAP) is a five-year (2021-2026) civil society strengthening program funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by Family Health International (FHI 360). LEB-CAAP aims to enhance civil society responsiveness to locally driven demands to accelerate inclusive rights-based policies, practices, and services.
The goal of this Request for Applications (RFA) is to increase the impact and sustainability of CSOs in serving vulnerable communities through the delivery of responsive and inclusive quality programs, to be achieved through two interconnected objectives:
(1) Strengthen CSO organizational capacities for operational efficiency and technical effectiveness in order to better meet the priorities of vulnerable communities, specifically women, youth, elderly, persons with disabilities and/or persons with diverse SOGIESC, among others; and
(2) Expand CSO programmatic reach by piloting/expanding a community initiative, utilizing the strengthened systems and enhanced capacities gained through the SCS grant, to address one or more key themes: 1) gender equality and women’s empowerment; 2) diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA); 3) youth civic engagement; 4) poverty reduction; 5) conflict mitigation; 6) anti-corruption and/or accountability.
To learn more about this program, please refer to the "Strengthening Civil Society for Impact (SCS) RFA" attached under Related Documents in this post.
LEB-CAAP anticipates issuing grants up to $50,000 USD each from an estimated pool of $200K for this RFA. Interested applicants are expected to submit a technical application, detailed budget, and other required documents as outlined in “Section VIII. Application Instructions and Deadline” and in accordance with the evaluation criteria in “Section V. Evaluation Criteria” of the attached RFA.
Thank you for participating in the solicitation workshop held on September 05, 2024. Attached you may find the questions and answers gathered during the workshop and submitted in writing in addition to the Presentation of the workshop.
How to apply
A. Submission Deadline and Requirements
The fixed deadline for applications in response to this RFA is October 14, 2024, by 12pm noon (Beirut Time). Late applications will not be eligible.
Applicants are required to submit all the following documents for an application to be considered complete:
☐ Organizational Cover Letter signed by Authorized Signatory (Attachment I).
☐ Technical Application (Attachment II)
☐ Budget Template (Attachment III)
☐ Tax Identification Number: رقم مالي
☐ Value-added Tax (VAT) registration or exemption documentation
☐ Verification of Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) or Submission Request
☐ Certificate of registration شهادة تسجيل with scanned Arabic photocopies
☐ Certificate of incorporation papers: علم وخبر with scanned Arabic photocopies
☐ Financial registration for the year 2024
☐ Ministry of Interior and Municipalities certification of the most recent Board Elections (Original Arabic documents with English translation might be requested at a later stage).
Only applications submitted using the LEB-CAAP templates provided will be considered. It is important to answer all the questions included in the attached technical application form, as selection will be based on responses to these questions. Additionally, it is important to carefully complete the budget using the attached budget template and include detailed line-item budget notes to clearly describe how the budgeted amounts were calculated. For shortlisted applicants, LEB-CAAP will request supporting documentation to determine if the costs are fair and reasonable.
B. Submission Method
All application materials must be submitted by email to An application will not be considered complete without all components being submitted by the deadline.
If you experience any issues completing the form, please reach out to us at