Country Level Strategy Context Analysis
The Diakonia Lebanon office is now approaching the end of the current strategy cycle 2016-2020. A new global strategy is being developed that puts the Theory of Change at the center of our work. The first step of the process is for the country office to have a better understanding of the context. This will help Diakonia identify where it has an added value and where it can contribute positively to different change processes in society.
Currently, Diakonia Lebanon works with ten local Partners on five intervention areas: Socio-Economic Justice, Human Rights, Gender Equality, Conflict and Justice, and Emergency Response and Disaster Resilience.
Purpose of the Context Analysis
The purpose of the analysis is to help Diakonia better understand the ongoing change processes in the Lebanese context in order to adjust its strategic direction after 2020.
Objectives and scope of the Analysis
The objective is to collect different perspectives from key stakeholders who work with Diakonia relating to the Lebanese context along with the change processes and drivers. This information is to be consolidated, summarized and validated with the Diakonia team in Lebanon before 10 February 2020.
The outcome document should not exceed 3 pages.
The analysis of the context should explore the below trends:
• Political and institutional context and trends
• Economic and social context and trends
• Environmental context and trends
• Conflict and peace context and trends
• Gender context and trends
• The Civil Society context and trends
Time schedule and deliverables
It is expected that a time and work plan is presented in the proposal. The validated context analysis should be delivered not later than 10 February 2020. The consultant shall provide:
• Audio recordings of KIIs or other documentation of content discussed;
• Draft 2 to 3-page summary of Context Analysis by 31 January 2020;
• Final 2 to 3-page summary of Context Analysis by 10 February 2020.
The final analysis shall be written in English and professionally proofread. The final analysis should have a clear structure and follow the format agreed with Diakonia.
The Context Analysis may be conducted by a single consultant with the following qualifications:
- Competence and experience in context analysis, quality assessment, theory of change and results-based management in developing countries.
- Experience working with some or all of Diakonia’s intervention areas.
- Experience of evaluating and/or working with crosscutting issues such as gender, conflict and environment/climate change.
- Experience with Civil Society in Lebanon.
- Experience of working with Rights Based approach
A CV shall be included for the consultant and contain a full description of the consultant’s qualifications and professional work experience.
The consultants must be independent from the assignment and activities and have no stake in the outcome of the analysis.
Roles and responsibilities
The contact person at the Diakonia Country Office is Cederic Choukeir. The contact person should be consulted if any problems arise during the analysis process.
The consultant will arrange the logistics, booking interviews, preparing visits including any necessary security arrangements. Some assistance will be offered by the Diakonia country offices upon request. Diakonia will prepare the documents to read in advance.
TOR attached
How to apply
The proposal shall be sent by e-mail to Cederic Choukeir ( with a copy to Eliana Aoun ( This should include:
- Technical proposal including a detailed draft work plan.
- Cost Proposal with breakdown of cost.
- CV of consultant.
- Testimonials and/or sample reports of similar assignments completed.
- Contact details of three references.