COOPI - Cooperazione Internazionale

Last modified: 
09/06/2020 - 9:58am

COOPI – Cooperazione Internazionale is an humanitarian, non confessional and independent organization that fights against all kinds of poverty to make the world a better place. Founded in 1965 by Vincenzo Barbieri (Italian "father" of international volunteering), COOPI is based in Milan and it has 24 headquarters in the South of the World. It works to assist populations struck by emergencies (disasters and conflicts) and to facilitate their civil, economic and social development. The association intervenes in Africa, Latin America and the Middle East in collaboration with local actors (civil society, public administration and so on). In 2012 it has implemented 176 projects. COOPI works in different sectors: agriculture, water and sanitation, health care, humanitarian assistance, human rights, education, socio-economic services, migration. All sectors are related to one another in the programs launched by COOPI all of them interrelated. COOPI is also committed to the Child Sponsorship programme in 8 countries (Perù, Haiti, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Central African Republic, Ethiopia, Uganda and DR Congo), and provides food, education, health and protection to 2.692 children. COOPI also operates in Italy, through awareness and fund-raising campaigns, volunteering activities (almost 350 volunteers), the promotion of the Cooperation and Development Master course at the Institute for Advanced Study of Pavia, and finally the participation to several NGOs associations, among which Link 2007 and AGIRE (Italian Humanitarian Emergency Response Agency) are the most important. The organization is supported by important institutional donors, local institutions, foundations, companies and citizens – among the main donors, the European Commission Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO) recognizes COOPI as an important partner. In 2012, COOPI managed about 48 millions euro; 94% of the funds was employed for the field projects and 6% for administrative costs. COOPI relies on the expertise of 32 employees and 47 consultants in Italy, 121 expatriates and 4.500 local operator. In 2012, COOPI reached 3,6 millions beneficiaries. COOPI is known as the “We do it NGO”

Organisation Type: 
International Civil Society Organisation
Founding Year: 
Country of Origin: 
Intervention Sector(s): 
Gender issues
Humanitarian & Development Financing
Water sanitation and hygiene
Contact person's position: 
Logistic Department
Contact person's email: 
Contact person's phone number: 
Main sea road
Kfaraabida , North Lebanon
North Lebanon LB
Main sea road
Contact person's name: 
Coopi Logistic



The purpose of this contract is to supply standardised bins for waste collection to the Union of
Municipalities in North Lebanon, specifically in Jurd-el Kaytee - Akkar

Monday, 10 June 2024

COOPI – Cooperazione Internazionale has received a grant from the European Union and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation for the implementation of the operation entitled “SWaM Akkar. Supporting Sustainable Solid Waste Management in Jord al-Kaytee, Akkar” ENI/2018/398-054; Supporting sustainable solid WAste Management in Jurd al-Kaytee.” AID 01234/01/5 and intends to apply a portion of that grant to payments under this contract.

Wednesday, 22 May 2024


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Press Releases

Press Release

COOPI – Cooperazione Internazionale, which has been active in Lebanon since 2013, is intervening to bring immediate aid assistance to all those who have fled with nothing. Our humanitarian workers are working in the vocational training centre in Siblin, Saida Governorate, and in two schools in Nahr Al Bared, Tripoli Governorate, used as collective shelters. Here we have already welcomed 750 people for whom, thanks to the setting up of two mobile kitchens, we are guaranteeing two meals a day. But the situation is critical. This is why we are launching a fundraising appeal:



Cooperazione Internazionale (COOPI) is an Italian humanitarian non-governmental organization founded in Milan in 1965.
COOPI is formally registered in Lebanon since 2015, COOPI is implementing intervention in North Governorate and Akkar, working in the sectors of Solid Waste Management, Food Security and Livelihoods, Education and Protection. Current donors of COOPI in Lebanon include the European Union, the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) and private donors. COOPI in Lebanon works in partnership with different actors, including international and national NGOs.

Thursday, 23 January 2025

Cooperazione Internazionale (COOPI) is an Italian humanitarian non-governmental organization founded in Milan in 1965.
COOPI is formally registered in Lebanon since 2015, COOPI is implementing intervention in North Governorate and Akkar, working in the sectors of Solid Waste Management, Food Security and Livelihoods, Education and Protection. Current donors of COOPI in Lebanon include the European Union, the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) and private donors. COOPI in Lebanon works in partnership with different actors, including international and national NGOs.

Friday, 3 January 2025


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