Call for experts – NEX-LABS Incubation Vouchers

Context & Background


Berytech is a leading organization in the Entrepreneurial Eco-system in Lebanon, that aims to provide a conducive environment for the creation and development of startups, through incubation, business support, counseling, funding, networking, and the company hosting, hence taking part in the economic revival of the country, participating in wealth and job creation, and retaining graduates and high-level skills in Lebanon.


Berytech, in the context of NEX-LABS, an EU-funded project under the ENI CBC Med program, has launched the NEX-LABS Incubation Vouchers that aim at empowering and providing 4 entrepreneur or start-ups who are working on NEXUS-related technologies with access to offices, co-working space, advisory services, and trainings. The prospective beneficiaries will benefit from a needs assessment followed by incubation services worth 20,000 euros. This voucher is an instrument to provide working and community space as well as capacity building services for new promising businesses addressing NEXUS challenges in the region which will enable them to validate their model and upscale their businesses.

The service provider will work closely for 6 months with the beneficiaries to match them with the right consultants, rent a convenient space, and offer them the right trainings and tools.

The outcome of the beneficiary/service provider collaboration can be:

  • Avoid early pitfalls  
  • Rapid business model validation 
  • Improved survival and growth prospects 
  • New products/services launched 
  • Developed marketing strategy


More information about the program and the eligibility criteria of the applicants is available here.



  • The service provider selected will be responsible for assisting 4 WEF-NEXUS startups/entrepreneurs selected by Berytech based on defined selection criteria.
  • The service provider should be willing to interact with the project partnership and to participate in teleconference meetings if required for the development of the proposed services.
  • The service provider can recruit trainers/experts with specific expertise to assist the beneficiaries based on the needs assessment.


The services must be completed by 31/08/2023.



Coordination and complimentary support from Berytech:

The service provider is asked to share with Berytech a clear technical assistance curriculum, session details, timeline, methodology, tools and deliverables expected for validation. It may be suggested to complement the sessions with supporting activities suggested by Berytech.


  • Applications to this proposal can be from independent trainers/consultants or a legal entity, from Lebanon.
  • The service provider should have at least 5 years of experience in supporting startups/projects.
  • Effective communicator with any audience in an organized and professional manner
  • Use of tools and methods to finalize the consultancy mission with the support of the beneficiary
  • Have knowledge in the WEF Nexus.
  • The service provider should have experience in business validation and development and be able to conduct a proper needs assessment to businesses at different stages.

How to apply

Kindly submit your proposal including a general training curriculum, timeline and agenda, methodology suggested, potential trainers listing their experience in the field adequate for the project scope, by email to: Youssef Yammine, Renewable Energy & Program Specialist, copying Alexandre Bassim, Procurement Manager:

[email protected] cc [email protected] with the subject “Call for experts – NEXUS Incubation Vouchers”, by April 14th, 2023.



The service provider will be selected based on:

  • The proposal and methodology suggested and fit for the program’s objective.
  • Their bio, proven track records and experience in the field required.
Friday, 14. Apr 2023
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Agriculture, Environment
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
6 Months