Request for Quotation (RFQ) - Site Clearance Works at Zahrani Training Center South

  1. Background

The UK Government has been providing security assistance to the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) for over a decade, significantly contributing to Lebanon's security and stability. This support includes comprehensive train-and-equip programmes aimed at enhancing the LAF’s operational capabilities and effectiveness. As part of this ongoing assistance, the UK is funding the development of Zahrani, a key LAF training centre. This project will include the construction of additional barracks to provide 500 new bedspaces and upgraded training facilities. These enhancements will strengthen the LAF’s capacity to train and support its personnel effectively, contributing to its role as a stabilising force in Lebanon.

  1. Purpose

The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to select a qualified and experienced firm to conduct site clearance works at Zahrani Training Centre South. The RFP provides the requirements, and instructions that potential firms need to submit their technical and financial proposals and details the criteria ARK will use to select the best combination of quality and cost. Full details of the actual works required are provided in the Statement of Work (SOW) in annex 1.


How to apply

3. Instructions for Submitting Proposals and Awarding Contract

  1. Interested and qualified firms should submit their proposals by email to The proposal should be sent as two attachments. The first attachment should include the technical proposal, while the second attachment should contain the financial proposal. Both attachments must be clearly labelled as technical or financial, and the email subject line must reference the RFP number. For example: ARKLB1714-Site Clearance Proposal.
  1. Submissions must be in PDF format. Zipped or RAR files will not be accepted. If you are unable to attach all documents in one email, you can email multiple attachments in separate emails but ensure that they are labelled 1 of 2, 2 of 2 etc. For example: ARKLB1714-Site Clearance Proposal.
  2. Under no circumstances should the technical proposal include any cost or pricing information. This separation ensures the technical evaluation is based on merit, without influence from financial considerations. Proposals that do may be excluded from
  3. All interested bidders must acknowledge receipt of this RFP and confirm whether they intend to submit a proposal. This ensures ARK can inform bidders of any updates or clarifications.
  1. Any requests for clarification regarding this RFP must be emailed to The RFP number must be quoted in all correspondence. Proposals should not be sent or carbon copied to this email address.
  2. Proposals will be accepted until the specified closing date and time. Late submissions will be disqualified from the process.
  1. Proposals must remain valid for a period of 60 days from the closing date. If a shorter validity period is offered, this must be clearly stated in the proposal.
  1. ARK may hold discussions with one or more bidders to clarify elements of their proposals.
  1. In the event of closely matched bids, ARK may request Best and Final Offers from all bidders. Submitting a BAFO is optional, but it allows bidders to refine and improve their proposals. If a BAFO is not submitted, the bidder’s most recent proposal will be considered their final offer.
  1. In the event of a tie, preference will be provided to the bidder with the highest technical score regardless of price.
  1. ARK reserves the right to negotiate prices if price offers exceed ARK’s allocated budget.

      I. The award of the contract is contingent upon successful completion of due diligence and reference checks.

      m. ARK reserves the right to reject any or all proposals at its discretion and may request additional information or clarifications from bidders during the evaluation process.

  1. Failure to comply with any of these instructions will render a bidder’s proposal non-compliant and result in disqualification from further consideration.
  2. Bidders must disclose any actual, potential, or perceived conflicts of interest related to this RFP. A conflict of interest arises when a bidder, its personnel, or affiliates have relationships, obligations, or interests that may impair their ability to perform the contract impartially or objectively or be favoured for selection by someone at ARK involved in the tendering process.


4. Proposal Format

All proposals should be emailed to Proposals should be sent as a free form text document but remain concise and focussed ensuring the key points listed below are addressed.


  1. Technical Proposal
  1. Copies of valid licences, certifications, and proof of registration with the appropriate regulatory bodies, should be provided to confirm legal authority to provide the requested services.
  1. A description of the company including key details such as the date of establishment, services provided, key personnel, parent, and subsidiary companies (if applicable), company values, and a list of prominent clients.
  1. The company’s experience in delivering projects similar to the requested services. Include details for three recent projects of comparable scope and complexity, specifying the scope of work, project value, outcomes achieved, and how they align with the requirements of this RFP.
  1. Details of key personnel assigned to the project, including their roles, qualifications, and relevant experience.
  1. The firm’s proposed approach to delivering the services in the Statement of Work (SOW). Including the earliest possible start date, a breakdown of the project timeline by key stages, and an explanation of the methods and resources to be employed.
  1. Provide three client references, including at least one for a project completed within the last 12 months. References should not relate to work completed more than three years ago. Each reference must include the client’s name, contact details, a brief description of the project undertaken, as well as its date and duration. Bidders are responsible for ensuring the accuracy and validity of the contact information provided. ARK will not spend time tracing references who have changed their contact information.


  1. Price Proposal
  1. The price proposal should contain all costs, fees, and taxes you will charge ARK to deliver all aspects of the contract.
  1. Cost should be broken down to indicate the price for each stage of work, i.e. cost of supplying materials, site clearance cost, etc.
  1. The invoice and payment currency will be USD. Please ensure your offer is provided in this currency.
  1. All payments will be made by electronic transfer from ARK’s bank in the UAE. Please state that you can accept bank payments from the UAE into a company bank account registered in Lebanon.

Please refer to the attached RFP document for complete details. 


Tuesday, 07. Jan 2025
Type of Call
Call for Proposals
Intervention Sector(s):
Safety and Security