Rapid gender assessment of the role of feminist organizations in the parliamentary elections in Lebanon

Project Synopsis

This project is funded by the Embassy of Finland and is currently being implemented by the AiW in collaboration with the Lebanese American University (LAU)’s Academy for Continuing Education (ACE). The AiW is currently implementing a project for a duration of twelve months. The AiW conducted a capacity-building curriculum aimed at training select women who wish to run for the parliamentary or prospective municipal elections in Lebanon. This ten-week training, customized by the AiW and run in partnership with ACE, will include courses that are tailor-made to provide skills that address the full range of gender issues in political participation in Lebanon with best practices drawn from around the world.

Following the elections, the AiW will conduct a gender evaluation of the elections to assess the results of women’s participation in the parliamentary elections which took place on 15 May 2022. 

Project Objectives

Pushing for women’s participation at the local and national levels in Lebanon and around the Arab region is a key pillar of the AiW’s mission. Therefore, the AiW is currently working on building the capacity of selected women who wish to run for either the 2022 parliamentary or municipal elections.

The evaluation to be conducted following the elections will result in recommendations to improve gender equality within the political arena. This project will subsequently help in advancing women’s participation in the political sphere and will help in moving towards more gender justice for women in politics.

Scope of Required Services

The expert will be required to conduct a rapid gender assessment of the parliamentary elections that took place on 15 May 2022 in Lebanon and its results. The expert is expected to prepare a rapid assessment and submit recommendations with a specific focus on the role of feminist organizations in supporting women’s political participation. The study to be submitted shall be a focused study for a short period of time.

Further information and details are withint the attached Request for Proposals. 

How to apply

Deadline for Submission and Schedule

Proposals, as per set requirements henceforth, are required no later than 8 August 2022, 14:00hrs (Beirut time).

When proposals are due by email, the system-generated timestamp will be considered the time of submission.

Both technical and financial proposals should be submitted to the following email: [email protected]

All required details for the submission of the proposals are included within the attached Request for Proposals. 

Monday, 08. Aug 2022
Type of Call
Call for Proposals
Intervention Sector(s):
Gender issues, Human Rights & Protection