Elaboration of a feasibility study to prepare a call for proposals to select a “neighborhood approach” urban project in Lebanon

AFD seeks to finance a "neighborhood approach" project, with a strong social and gender equality dimension, targeting refugee and host communities in vulnerable urban neighborhoods The objective is to respond to needs expressed by communities, strengthen social cohesion, enhance trust between local authorities and the communities. The current assignment is a feasibility study to prepare a call for proposals that aims to select “neighborhood approach project in Lebanon”. The study will aim at defining the exact scope of the project.

Objectives of this consultation

Firm phase: Support AFD in the definition of the scope of the call for proposal : context analysis (including a do no harm analysis), geographical areas to target, implementation methods to support; sectors of intervention to prioritize and the most relevant gender approach to adopt depending on the context ;
Optional phase: Support the selected consortium to consolidate a gender approach within their project.
The data collected will enable to quantify and assess the effects of the economic and financial crisis on vulnerable neighborhoods. The Consultants will pay particular attention to the situation of the public system and the financial and operational difficulties related to the COVID 19 crisis.

Methodological principles for the consultation

  • Active coordination with AFD teams in Paris and Beirut to build a shared vision of the call for proposals;
  • Assessment of vulnerability and gender inequalities/barriers of access to basic services in Lebanese urban areas using existing literature, interviews and site visits;
  • Mapping of urban and gender non-profit organizations and initiatives, using existing websites and publications, interviews and site visits, while being careful not to over-burden the organizations and avoid raising expectations;
  • Promote leverage by working in partnership with other development actors;
  • Capacity of the consultant to propose a flexible methodology to accommodate if requested a potential support to organization(s) on the elaboration of an appropriate gender approach and/or its implementation (optional phase).

Scope of Work and deliverables

The feasibility study will aim at defining the exact scope (geographic, implementation approach, sectoral, relevant gender approach, etc.) of the call for proposals. It will follow the following objectives:
- Support AFD in the definition of the scope of the call for proposals : analysis of concerned targeted territories and definition of selection criteria, , implementation methods of support; sectors of intervention to prioritize and the most relevant gender approach to adopt depending on the context;
- Optional phase: Support to the selected organization or consortium to consolidate a gender action plan within their project.

- Inception report : Context analysis on urban issues and access to basic and essential services in vulnerable neighbourhoods (5p. maximum) + minutes of the kick-off meeting and detailed workplan

- Analysis of geographical scope report, including a regional analysis (with a focus on the Southern governorates, Greater Beirut and Tripoli), criteria, city analysis and recommendations;
- Tentative list of eligible vulnerable neighborhoods in the three targeted areas;
- Minutes of meeting with AFD on prioritization criteria’s and regions;
- If so, minutes of meeting with organizations and stakeholders and site visits reports.

- Mapping of actors and initiatives, with relevant key elements
- Comparative analysis report, including a proposal to prioritize requirements/eligibility criteria and orientations / recommendations to include in the Call for Proposals
- Minutes of meeting with AFD on prioritization;
- If so, minutes of meeting with organizations and stakeholders and site visits reports

DELIVERABLE 4 (optional):
- Adapted workplan for this phase
- Training materials
- Improvement within organization(s) proposals
- Specific recommendation on investments and activities report including monitoring of the project’s gender impacts
- Gender action plan for the selected NGOs
- Minutes of the meeting with organization(s)

Skills requirements for this consultancy

Urban planning and design
 Urban basic services
 Social vulnerability
 Conflict sensitivity
 Gender , with extensive experience in producing and implementing gender diagnosis and gender action plans
 Adequate language skills : fluent English and Arabic is a prerequisite, French is an asset


How to apply

Please refer to the related files to fill.

Wednesday, 27. Oct 2021
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Conflict Resolution, Development, Gender issues
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
Duration of the works by the consultant will be (5) months for the firm phase (deliverables 1 to 3), including time for validation of the deliverables - and a maximum of 12 months additional from the selection of the consortium for the optional phase.