Promoting Peace within and between faiths in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq

This call for proposals is being launched within the framework of a European Commission funded project financed under the European Instrument For Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) which started in December 2018 and implemented by Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) and Development for People and Nature Association (DPNA). The purpose of this call is to implement peacebuilding activities by 18-21 Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in their local communities that are poised to combat religious intolerance and discrimination among target communities.

The objective of this call is to support civil society in its actions to:

  1. prevent and combat discrimination, intolerance and violence on grounds of religion or belief in all its forms, whether committed by governmental or non-governmental actors. and/or
  2. enhance mutual understanding and respect between individuals of different faith or none, contributing to inclusive communities societies accepting diversity and capable of addressing potential conflicts peaceful manner.

Who is eligible:

Local CSOs from Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq are eligible to apply. Successful applicants should expect to start in September 2019 and the duration of the project is 24 months.

There are three components that fall under this project:

  1. The first component is to support local civil society organisations (CSOs) through sub-grant funds for projects to engage religious leaders and laypeople to understand, respect and promote religious tolerance within communities.
  2. The second component is to increase the ability of the CSOs to cultivate religious tolerance and mutual understanding among the target beneficiaries via peacebuilding training, networking, capacity-building, including project management, and mentoring for sub-grantee CSO’s.
  3. The last component is to promote inclusive and strategic partnerships, networking and cooperation between religious and civil society leaders of different sects from these four countries.

Successful applicants should expect to start implementing their projects in September 2019 after the kick-off
conference that will take place in August 2019. The capacity building provided during implementation of projects by successful applications will take the form of bi-national workshops, on-site visits and trainings, and video-conference training and mentorship.

How to apply

Kindly submit the required documents:

  1. The full Application (Annex A)
  2. The budget (Annex B)
  3. A copy of the applicant’s accounts of the latest financial year (the profit and loss account and the balance sheet for the last financial year for which the accounts have been closed)

To the email addresses: [email protected]  ;  [email protected] with the email title “NAME OF YOUR ORGANIZATION – YOUR LOCATION – Peacebuilding Project”

Please read carefully the “Call for Proposal” that includes the specific objectives and eligibility criteria before submitting the required documents.

Applicants wishing to submit their applications in Arabic language should send an email requesting the documents in Arabic Language from the above email addresses.

Questions may be sent by e-mail to the addresses listed above up to 10 days prior to the due date of proposals.

Replies will be given no later than 7 days before the deadline for the submission of applications.

For more information on MCC and DPNA kindly visit the following wesbsites:

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الجمعة, 07. يونيو 2019
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم مقترحات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
حل النزاعات, السلام والأمن, الدين، المعتقد والمبادىء