The Lebanese Organization for Studies and Training

آخر تاريخ التحديث: 
24/01/2022 - 12:42م

Established in 1998, the Lebanese Organization of Studies and Training (LOST) focuses on developing the ultra-conservative and underdeveloped communities of the Republic of Lebanon socially, politically and economically via programs to build and enhance communal capacity, to educate and train youth and women on matters of civic and intellectual nature and to engage them in civic affairs. The ultimate objective yet is creating a democratic and peaceful society where rule of law, justice, liberty and economic wellbeing are customary.
LOST’s programming focuses on developing the intellectual capital of the local society via programs for youth, women and kids. Since its inception, LOST has managed over USD 10 Million in community development projects funded by numerous international organizations and government institutions including but not limited to the World Bank, UNDP, UNICEF, UNHCR, Embassy of the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Switzerland, United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Action Aid Denmark, GIZ (Germany), Danish Refugee Council (DRC), Mercy Corps, Search for Common Grounds (SFCG), Canada Fund, MCC, Forum ZFD, ZIVIK among many others

نوع المنظمة: 
منظمة مجتمع مدني محلية
سنة التأسيس: 
بلد المنشأ: 
تتواجد منظمتي في: 
قطاع(ات) التدخل: 
حل النزاعات
منصب الشخص المسؤول: 
البريد الالكتروني للشخص المسؤول: 
Contact person's phone number: 
Ras El Ein Street
الهاتف: +9618377075
Fax: +9618376075
Ras El Ein Street
اسم الشخص المسؤول: 
Ramy Lakkis



Established in 1998, the Lebanese Organization for Studies and Training (LOST) focuses on developing the ultra-conservative and underdeveloped communities of the Republic of Lebanon socially, politically, and economically via versatile programs that build and enhance communal capacity, educate and train youth and women on matters of civic and intellectual nature, and engage them in civic affairs. The ultimate objective is to create a democratic and peaceful society where the rule of law, justice, liberty, and economic well-being are customary.

الأربعاء, 31 يوليو 2024
بعد 3 أيام

Established in 1998, the Lebanese Organization for Studies and Training (LOST) focuses on developing the ultra-conservative and underdeveloped communities of the Republic of Lebanon socially, politically, and economically via versatile programs that build and enhance communal capacity, educate and train youth and women on matters of civic and intellectual nature, and engage them in civic affairs. The ultimate objective yet is to create a democratic and peaceful society where the rule of law, justice, liberty, and economic well-being are customary.

الثلاثاء, 30 يوليو 2024
To event remaining 2 days


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Under the DAAM Project (funded by Expertise France), LOST aims to enhance the capabilities of local authorities' staff and members of selected municipalities. LOST is seeking to recruit trainers to train selected municipal members and staff on assessment-based technical skills, including Proposal Writing, Project Planning for the following municipalities: Labwe, Tawfiqie, Chlifa, Boudai, Saaidi, Masnaa Al Zohra, Maaraboun, Douris, Hawsh Tal Safiye, and Makneh.

الاثنين, 8 يوليو 2024
منتهية الصلاحية

Under the DAAM Project (funded by Expertise France), LOST aims to enhance the capabilities of local authorities' staff and members of selected municipalities. LOST is seeking to recruit trainers to train selected municipal members and staff on assessment-based technical skills, including Infrastructure  for the following municipalities: Labwe, Tawfiqie, Chlifa, Boudai, Saaidi, Masnaa Al Zohra, Maaraboun, Douris, Hawsh Tal Safiye, and Makneh.

الاثنين, 8 يوليو 2024
منتهية الصلاحية


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