INVITATION TO BID Long Term Agreement for Vehicle Rental Services ITB-ARK-LTA-24-ARKLB1531

1. Purpose

The purpose of this Invitation to Bid (ITB) is to solicit proposals from reputable, and experienced Vehicle Hire companies to establish a Long-Term Agreement (LTA) with ARK for the provision of hire vehicles. The chosen supplier will be expected to provide rental vehicles as and when required, for use throughout Lebanon in accordance with the requirements and details outlined in the Statement of Work (SOW) at Annex 1. Vehicles will be requested through monthly Call Down Orders (CDOs). Although the current requirement is for approximately 20 vehicles per month; the quantity is determined by operational demand and programmatic needs.

2. Description of ARK

ARK is a stabilisation and development company committed to empowering local communities and beneficiaries in conflict, post-conflict, and fragile areas through the provision of evidence-based programmatic interventions, policy recommendations, research and capacity-building. Working with local communities, it seeks to understand and then mitigate the negative effects of conflict and instability, enhancing social cohesion and resilience whist promoting human security, development and economic opportunity.

ARK is registered in the United Arab Emirates, with project offices in Lebanon, Jordan and the UK. The services under this ITB are required for the Beirut branch office.

3. Ethics, Fraud, and Transparency

ARK upholds a strong commitment to transparency, integrity, and ethical conduct. We have zero tolerance for fraud and any form of unethical behaviour. We encourage all employees, partners, suppliers, and stakeholders to promptly report any actual or suspected incidents of fraud related to this tender to ARK Compliance. ARK will take all claims seriously and your cooperation is vital in ensuring a safe and trustworthy environment for all. Please report any concerns or observations using the following link: Procurement Fraud Report Form. Your report will be treated in the strictest confidence.  

How to apply

4. Instructions for Submitting Proposals

a. This ITB consists of the following documents:

1. This ITB with submission instructions and evaluation criteria.

2. Annex 1: Statement of Work

3. Annex 2: Proposal Declaration Form

4. Annex 3: Submission Templates 1, 2, 3, and 4.

b. Proposals should be submitted via email to [email protected] adhering to the following instructions.

1. Your proposal should be prepared in English.

2. All documents should be sent as PDF attachments. RAR and other file types will be rejected.

3. Include a Proposal Declaration Form

4. Provide a copy of your company registration documents. 

5. Submit a Technical and Price Proposal.

c. Technical and price proposals should be sent as two attachments in one email. The email should be titled ITB-LTA-24-ARKLB1531. The technical proposal should contain the declaration form and company registration documents. Do not make any reference to price in the technical proposal as ARK will evaluate all technical proposals on merit. Proposals that fail to meet the tender instructions may be rejected.

d. Proposals must be received by ARK no later than 8 October 2024, 18:00 (Local time - Beirut). Any late proposals may be rejected.

e. Interested parties should notify ARK of their intention to bid by submitting an expression of interest (EOI) to [email protected]. This helps ARK to understand the level of interest in this tender and potential suppliers will be notified of any changes to the tender.  

f. Questions regarding this ITB should be emailed to [email protected] on or before 2 October 2024. The ITB number should be quoted in all correspondence. Anonymised responses will be sent to all known potential bidders who have notified ARK of their intention to bid. and therefore you are encouraged to inform ARK of your intention to bid. However, this is not a mandatory requirement to participate in the ITB.

g. ARK may have discussions with one or more bidders to clarify specific points in their bids. The purpose is to seek additional information or explanations, not to change or improve the bids. 

h. If there are closely matched bids or if bids exceed ARK’s price expectations, ARK may ask suppliers to submit their Best and Final Offers (BAFO). If a requested party does not submit a BAFO, ARK will consider the last offer received as BAFO.

i. ARK reserves the right to reject any or all proposals submitted and to request additional information from bidders.

j. ARK is not obligated to select any of the companies that submit proposals, and this Invitation to Bid (ITB) should not be considered an offer of contract. The ITB process may lead to Long-Term Agreements (LTAs) with multiple companies, depending on the evaluation results.

k. All costs and expenses incurred by the bidder in preparing and submitting their proposal, including any presentations, demonstrations, or follow-up submissions, shall be borne solely by the bidder. ARK Group DMCC will not be liable for any claims or reimbursement of expenses related to the preparation, submission, or evaluation of bids.


5. Technical Proposal Format

Your proposal should use the templates provided in annex 3. Do not send additional information that is not requested, as it will not be reviewed and makes the evaluation process more difficult and time-consuming. Each template requests the following information: 

a. Template 1. Supplier Information containing the following information:

1. Company Information.

2. The contact information for a person authorised to act on behalf of the company.

3. Company license and registration details.

4. Relevant company registration documents should be attached as an annex to the ITB.

b. Template 2. Mandatory Criteria.

1. Confirmation the company has been registered for two years or longer.

2. Certificate or related documentation to demonstrate authority to rent vehicles.

3. Capability to supply vehicles between 9 October 2023 and 8 October 2024.

4. Full vehicle insurance coverage.

5. Details of similar contracts and referees.

c. Template 3. The technical details for each type of vehicle you will provide to ARK, how they will be maintained, breakdown assistance, and safety equipment that will be provided with each vehicle.


6. Price Proposal Format

All Bidders must submit a price proposal as a separate attachment to the technical offer. Template 4 is provided for this purpose.  Services will be requested as and when required, and no guarantee of volume or minimum order is provided for the term of the contract. However, as an indication, ARK had 15 vehicles on hire between 2023 and 2024 except for two weeks in December.

Please refer to the attached Invitation to bid (ITB) document for complete details. 

Wednesday, 18. Sep 2024
Type of Call
Call for Proposals
Intervention Sector(s):
Communications & Media, Development, Research & Studies