Individual Consultant for Conducting an Evaluability Assessment, ENABLE and Bouzour Projects


ENABLE Project

With funding from the European Union, the International Labour Organization (ILO) is implementing ENABLE project focusing on providing livelihoods opportunities to enhance the economic capacity of the most vulnerable and marginalized communities residing in targeted areas. The project will provide integrated employment services and short‐term employment opportunities, which will reduce dependency on social assistance for the extremely poor and vulnerable, contributing towards social cohesion. Program activities are being implemented in Beirut, Mount Lebanon, North/Akkar, and South/Nabatieh governorate. The programme runs from January 2023 till December 2025.

Bouzour Project

The ILO is implementing the Bouzour project - Building Inclusive Markets and Decent Work for Syrian Refugees and Lebanese Host Communities with funding from the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida). The project focuses on the agriculture and agri-food sector as a key sector for the livelihoods of both Lebanese and Syrian vulnerable population groups and in particular women of both communities and aims to develop specific agricultural and agri-food value chains with potential for decent job creation that will benefit both groups. The project runs from July 2023 until June 2025.

The project seeks to achieve four key outcomes with interlinked components:

1.             Enhanced Productivity and Working Conditions in the Horticulture Sector: The project supports farmers in adopting modern greenhouses and sustainable farming practices, improving productivity, crop quality, and working conditions for both Lebanese and Syrian workers.

2.             Upgraded Market Opportunities for Farmers and Agri-Businesses: By identifying and capitalizing on local and international market opportunities, the project helps farmers and agri-businesses in selected sectors to access upgraded markets, fostering inclusive growth.

3.             Adoption of Solar Energy Systems for Sustainable Electricity Generation: To counter the energy crisis, the project promotes solar energy systems for farmers, reducing costs, ensuring stable electricity supply, and leading to environmental benefits.

4.             Capacity Building for Efficient Resource Management: The project empowers farmers and small agri-businesses with essential business management skills, enhancing their ability to plan, calculate profits, and make informed decisions.


  • The overall objective of the assignment is to support the ENABLE and Bouzour projects in different M&E related activities. For ENABLE project, the objective is to conduct an evaluability assessment to assess the project logical framework, outputs and indicators, propose improvements to the overall M&E framework including gender indicators, impact monitoring tools, and to verify resources needed to conduct proper monitoring activities. The consultant shall also support in implementing the suggested findings from the evaluability assessment to enhance ENABLE monitoring tools.

The chosen consultant will collect from the ENABLE team relevant documentation and will conduct a preliminary stock-taking of the M&E plan, system and activities to date.

  • For Bouzour project the objective is to support the project in reviewing the programme logical framework, outputs and indicators, and support in designing the overall M&E framework including gender indicators, impact monitoring tools, and to verify resources needed to conduct proper monitoring activities. Under Bouzour, the project’s monitoring and results measurement (MRM) system will be based on the Donor Committee for Enterprise Development (DCED) Standard for Measuring Results in Private Sector Development. The MRM system is designed to structure data collection, strategy development, analysis and reporting. The system will not only answer questions like ‘what happened or what did not happen’ but also analyse and explain ‘why something has worked or has not worked’. Considering this, the purpose of using a DCED Standard-based results measurement system in the project is two-fold: i) to improve project performance; ii) to provide credible estimates of project achievements for reporting purposes. In terms of results measurement, the project sets benchmarks for each indicator of each intervention. The consultant is expected to follow the DCED Standard for Measuring Results in Private Sector Development in the development of the overall M&E framework.


Phase 1: Assessment of ENABLE M&E framework

  • Analyze the programme  logframe/Results Framework approach, to identify the logic between the activities, outputs, outcomes, objectives and risks/assumptions and review information sources.
  • Assess the quality of the risk analysis at project design and assessment, test assumptions and importance and likelihood assigned to risks and identify any missing risks and mitigation measures.
  • Review the causal logic and results-level linkages between the UNSDCF/ILO Country Programme Outcomes and the ENABLE Programme.
  • Review the results phrasing and assess the indicators definitions, key questions, and methodological approach.  
  • Assess the effectiveness and impact of the project and determine the soundness of the approach in terms of the future evaluability of the project’s impact.
  • Review the resources and management arrangements for implementing the M&E plan to ascertain feasibility and appropriateness and make recommendations for improvements if needed.
  • The consultant shall consider the quality of the information, the appropriateness of the Management Information System (MIS) for storing and safeguarding the data, and use of this information by project stakeholders and in performance reports.
  • For all of the above, the consultant will talk to key ENABLE officials, use EA tools available, and identify good practices and also specific improvements/ recommendations that should be made to the M&E system. The consultant shall give specific actions for acting upon these recommendations. Major risk areas and means of addressing these will also be identified, recommending overall changes to ILO’s design and quality control system for M&E of large projects.

Phase 2: Implementation of findings

  • After the completion of the assessment phase, the consultant shall implement the corrective measures found at the level of the assessment.
  • The consultant shall conduct a one-day workshop to present the changes to the team before finalizing the changes.
  • The consultant shall develop the proper monitoring tools for ENABLE project, as per the log frame and monitoring framework.


  • Analyze the programme log frame/Results Framework approach, to identify the logic between the activities, outputs, objectives and risks/assumptions and review information sources.
  • Propose modifications to the programme logical framework, outputs and indicators, based on the DCED Standard for Measuring Results in Private Sector Development
  • Design the overall M&E framework system and data collection methods including gender indicators, impact monitoring tools, and to verify resources needed to conduct proper monitoring activities.

It is worth mentioning that the tasks and duties pertaining to both programmes should be performed in parallel.


The evaluability review includes two complementary data collection and review activities:

  • Document review, including project documents, log frame, work plan, communication strategy, and existing M&E plan and systems planned surveys to verify sufficiency of data collection and allocation of resources.
  • Assessing the M&E framework from A to Z as per the above.
  •  Conduct key informant interviews or group interviews, either through email, telephone, online, or in person. The types and number of interviews will be based on the needed information to fill in the identified gaps and develop the needed changes.
  • Based on the desk review, interviews, and the assessment, the assignment will address the identified gaps and revise the M&E system of the projects to ensure their evaluability. This will entail a revamped TOC; validated assumptions and risks; a clear, complete and logical results framework; a coherent, detailed, and relevant M&E plan with SMART indicators, indicator measurement guidance notes for each indicator, data collection plan to report on all indicators; adequate reporting processes; clear assigned roles and responsibilities for the ILO and stakeholders.

The desk review and interviews will suggest findings that will point to additional issues and information to find. The M&E appraisal checklist can also help to guide the analysis.

Key steps being followed in the analysis are:

  1. Mapping of logic and analysis of indicators
  • Analyse the context (social, political and economic information) to help understand why and what the problems are that ILO seeks to address.
  • Review the logic and each intended outcome, as well as the baseline or starting conditions, specified indicators and targets (if these are not documented, attempt to compile through interviews or other communications).
  • Note key partners for each outcome that should be involved in M&E knowledge exchange.
  • For each outcome, identify the logical fit between activities, major outputs, indicating the time frame for each and how these align with the targets, milestones, and proposed measurements.
  • For each outcome, review the identified risks and assumptions as well as adequacy of mitigation plans.
  • For each outcome, identify the contribution and logic between outcome and impact.

b- Methodological approaches for defining and measuring impact

  • Theories of change and logic models are vital to monitoring results and pathways to impact.
  • A monitoring approach of outcomes and impact is designed prior to implementation of interventions so that an initial measure of key conditions can be made. This initial baseline measure can then be compared to similar measures at well-defined periods of time.
  • The design of an impact monitoring system may include control groups, and the data gathered may support an impact evaluation, however, with impact monitoring, the data collected is used to make real time decisions on improvements.
  • Monitoring of outcomes and impact.

c- Operational Risk Management

  • Analyse whether there is evidence that the ILO’s interventions are configured to be gradually and effectively handed over to national partners; and the extent to which the approach will lead to national ownership through improved capacity, will, and an enabling environment (changed laws, policies, behaviours, budgets).
  • Determine whether the ILO has articulated an exit or transition strategy for its support.
  • Consider the likely cost-effectiveness of ILO’s work in relation to each outcome and major output.

d- Efficiency of organizational arrangements

  • Analyse the work planning, implementation management and reporting practices of the M&E system set up so far or still being planned.



  • An inception report demonstrating the understanding of the assignment and the TOR. The report will also include a clear methodology and a detailed timeline of the assignment. It will also specify the format of the final report.
  • Evaluability report assessing ENABLE programme.
  • PowerPoint Presentation of the assessment results and proposed changes needed.
  • Draft Report that includes the narrative and the revised M&E system with all its components reflecting the changes proposed. The report will also include a set of recommendation for ILO’s consideration to ensure the adequate operationalization of the M&E system and effective reporting.
  • Final Report

For Bouzour

  1. In the inception report delivered above, include a section demonstrating understanding of the Bouzour project related assignment, including clear methodology and detailed timeline of the assignment.
  2. Provide revised programme logical framework, outputs and indicators.
  3. Provide developed M&E framework system and data collection methods including gender indicators, impact monitoring tools, and to verify resources needed to conduct proper monitoring activities. 


The technical proposal is expected to be submitted by the bidders to include the following main components:   

  1. Technical Proposal including the following main components:
    1. Independent consultant’s profile demonstrating required capacity, why they are the most suitable for the work, and local presence/activities in areas of intervention.
    2. CV of the consultant involved in the evaluation/review implementation demonstrating their capacity to conduct the assignment.
    3. Proposed methodology on how the applicant will approach and conduct the work, including overview of the assignment/introduction showing the understanding of the context and knowledge of the assignment.
    1. Tentative work plan with a timeline related to the different activities based on the expected number of days already assigned (35 working days for ENABLE and 20 working days for Bouzour project provided simultaneously) across the implementation timeline. The inception report will allow a revision of the submitted tentative workplan. once the consultant is selected and project documents are shared)
    2. Relevant past works including past projects and assignments.
    3.  At least 3 professional references including contact details.

The Technical proposal will contain 70% weight, whereas Technical Evaluation passing score is 50%.
Any applying entity that scores less than 50% in Technical Evaluation shall not be considered for financial evaluation.

B- Financial Proposal

The Financial Proposal shall specify the daily rate and total in US$.


The table below summarizes the planned schedule for payments to be made upon the completion and submission of deliverables delineated in this ToR. A deliverable is considered completed upon the review and satisfaction of the ILO and submission of an acceptable invoice and supporting documents deemed necessary. Payment schedule will be time bound and instalment % may be revised upon signature of contract in consultation with selected service provider.

  • First payment:  Upon the completion of phase 1 tentative by July 2024 - 50%
  • Third payment:  Upon the completion of phase 2 tentative by August 2024 – 50%

All payments will be issued in USD via international bank transfer.
 VAT (if applicable) will be paid in LBP at the official Sayrafa rate


Intellectual Property: All materials will be considered ILO property.

Confidentiality: In addition to the conditions set forth under the Standard Clauses, and particularly under Clause 7, the External Collaborator agrees not to utilise, while performing the work contracted for or at any time thereafter, any material gathered or produced under the present contract in any activity that falls outside the scope of the present contract, unless prior written authorization is given by the ILO.

The aforementioned terms constitute an integral part of the contract.


  • At least 7 years of experience in monitoring and reporting in a development context
  • At least 7 years of experience in managing quantitative and qualitative primary data collection
  • An understanding of the ILO’s projects, particularly in Lebanon, is considered an asset.
  • Advanced degree in one of the following disciplines: M&E, or technical topic such as development and social studies, social protection, public policy, behavioural and social sciences, information management, or any other relevant applied science with M&E background. 
  • Full command of English
  • Previous experience in evaluations for UN agencies, particularly ILO
  • Strong writing and reporting skills, including the ability to write accurate reports with English fluency
  • Good analytical and organizational skills and ability to justify requirements and approaches to problem solving.
  • Ability to understand and work with different cultures and ethnicities, particularly in the context of Lebanon.
  • Responsive, accurate and punctual.
  • Ability to work independently, quickly, and actively take initiatives when necessary.
  • Demonstrated knowledge in practical application of Results Based Management.

How to apply

 The ILO is inviting qualified individual consultants having relevant experience in delivering similar services as mentioned in this Terms of Reference (TOR) to submit technical and financial proposals. The applicant must submit the Technical and Financial Proposals in separate PDF files mentioning “Technical Proposal” and “Financial Proposal” along with supporting documents requested (in manageable size – zip files).

The email subject should mention: (name of organization - “Ref.: ENABLE/Bouzour Evaluability Assessment)

The proposals will be submitted by email along with a cover letter addressed to:

Email:  [email protected]; [email protected]

And cc; [email protected];   [email protected]; [email protected]

Deadline for submission by 7 June 2024 by 2 pm (Lebanon Standard Time)

Queries and questions from potential applicants on any section of this TOR are welcome. Please send relevant questions by 30 May 2024, to the following contacts: 

Email:  [email protected]; [email protected]

And cc:  [email protected] ;   [email protected]; [email protected]

 The ILO will provide feedback on your queries by 31 May 2024.

Friday, 07. Jun 2024
Type of Call
Call for Applications
Intervention Sector(s):