The primary role of the consultant is to help SFCG maintain good payroll Register,
Provide a legal opinion on labor and employment laws related to salaries and taxes,
Calculate and endorse the monthly salaries and their related taxes.
Review tax implications. 
Advise on measures to ensure SFCG is tax compliant.


Payroll Services will include the following:

Preparing of the payroll sheet for the corresponding month, including the deductions of the employees and the net to pay 
Review of payroll computations and finalize final net payments to be paid to employees with a payroll and tax Consultant.
Preparing the end of service indemnity sheet every month. 
Preparing the MOF hiring papers (R3, R3-1, R4) and submission of R3 thus the employees will have their MOF registration numbers.
Preparing the quarterly and annual payroll tax declarations and requirements (R10, R6, R5 and R7)

Social Security services will include the following:

Advise on the National Social Security Fund of any change to the Organization’s payroll and employee status.
 Prepare the monthly subscriptions of the National Social Security Fund and submit the cheque on behalf of SFCG to the NSSF
Prepare and Submit the NSSF Annual Settlement.
Clear with the National Social Security Fund, as when required, various employee matters e.g. end-of-service indemnities.
Liquidate the family allowances schedules.
Prepare the hiring and leaving papers as declared concerning salaries and wages.
Obtain the NSSF clearance form National Social Security Fund.

3- Preparation and Dissemination of Payroll Slips:

Prepare monthly pay slips for employees and forward them to HR, Finance, and relevant staff members.
Last Paychecks to employees leaving the organization, remaining balance of accrued annual leave and end of service indemnity or severance due will be reported by the Finance Manager to the Payroll and Tax Consultant for computation of taxes and tax withholdings in accordance with SFCG’s policy and Lebanese Labor Laws.

4- Payroll Tax:

Prepare quarterly payroll tax declarations and submit them to SFCG, Finance department.
Preparing the quarterly reconciliations detailed by name/benefits/tax for each employee as needed for audit purposes.
Prepare the annual payroll sheets for every staff member.
Prepare the annual payroll tax declarations and submit them to SFCG’s Finance department.

5- Annual Tax:

Review the accounts and submit any adjustments needed for the accounts to the finance department. Prepare the tax filing and tax payment declaration after receiving the final trial balance from the Finance manager.
Review of TB at the end of each month closure with all payroll and taxes related documents and accounts general ledger to verify payroll accounts and advise if adjustments are needed.
Provide feedback on payroll and tax accounts.
Preparing the quarterly and annual Non-resident tax declarations and requirements

6- Reporting to Ministry of Interior:

Review of the annual statement of account قطع حساب.
Dispatch and submit the income/expenditure statement with the annual budget to MOI, within the stipulated deadline.
7- New Taxation Procedures:

In cases of new taxation procedures and laws, Payroll and tax consultants should send interpretations and implications to SFCG.

SFCG commits to:
Providing the necessary context, information, and resources during the Consultancy.

How to apply

Candidates are requested to submit the below documents to the following email: 

[email protected]


Past Experience and References:

Describe your firm’s experience to provide evidence of the firm’s qualifications to deliver the above services.

Summarize your firm’s qualifications regarding international nonprofit organizations with similar structure and revenue.

Disclose any Conflict of Interest with Search for Common Ground, its staff or Governance bodies.

Key Personnel and Staffing: Describe the key personnel as well as information on the overall staffing plan for the consultancy, including bios for those key personnel.

Your firm ‘s added value, and why our selection of your firm as our Payroll and Tax consultant is the best decision we could make.

List of References of prior or current clients.


Proposals are to be received no farther than 27 April 2024

Any questions concerning these Terms should be directed to: ([email protected] and [email protected] ) no later than 26 April 2024.

Saturday, 27. Apr 2024
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Law & Legal Affairs
Remuneration range:
4000 to 5000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
9 Months