Jafra for Relief and Youth Development (Jafra) and Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e. V. (WHH), are implementing a project funded by BMZ for “Strengthening women's livelihoods and increasing the resilience of vulnerable communities engaged in smallholder and subsistence farming” with a specific focus on the Palestinian camps in Beirut and in the South.

In this context, Jafra is seeking a consultant to provide his/her expertise and guidance to support in implementing food sales business for products produced under the Food Processing activity of the project.

The Food Processing activity is a Cash-for-Work modality implemented in Jafra Food Processing center in Ein El Helweh camp, where women from the Palestinian camp community are selected to undergo a training on Food Safety Measures by a Food Processing technical Advisor, followed by producing and selling 900 food parcels, with each parcel weighing around 25kg. Parts of the parcels will be distributed to vulnerable families while the other part is earmarked for sale to ensure the development aspect of the Food processing activity and the sustainability of the concept. The aim of the consultancy is to develop a concept how the sale aspect of the food parcel shall be developed, prepared, and implemented successfully.

Jafra is aiming to enter the food distribution market commercially in the regions of Beirut and Saida. The consultant will be responsible for establishing the business strategy, develop a full comprehensive business plan, assist in the implementation of the key activities, and provide professional advice. Jafra will conduct an info session for the selected candidate prior of singing the contract in order to avoid bad delivery of services.

How to apply

" sending the RFQ and TOR in  PDF format, signed and stamped, and other requested documents via email to [email protected], indicating the subject as [LBN1010-027].

All offers must be submitted no later than 01/08/2024 at 18:00 (Beirut time) via email."

Thursday, 01. Aug 2024
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Agriculture, Food & Nutrition
Remuneration range:
1000 to 2000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
over 2 years